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Rise Up Singing. Various. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music.Traduzione
Rise Up Singing. Vario. Foglio di musica vocale. Coro spartiti.Originale
Rise Up Singing. The Group Singing Songbook. Composed by Various. Edited by Peter Blood & Annie Patterson. For Choral, Melody. Lyrics. Chords. Vocal. Spiral Bound. Songbook. 288 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.740330. ISBN 1881322122. 7x10 inches. If you like to sing with friends, this is the book you've always wanted. Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. At camp or school, church or union hall, by campfire or in your own living room, you will never run out of songs to sing with this book. Songs are quick and easy to locate. they appear in alphabetical order within chapter groupings like lullabies, love songs, sea songs, and spirituals. From ballads to Beatles, Bob Dylan to Broadway, here are the words, all in one place, to the songs you've loved in the past - with many more to learn from friends in the future. A La Claire Fontaine. A Ram Sam Sam. A-Rovin'. Abelard and Heloise. Abide with Me. Absalom. Acres of Clams. anit-nuke. The Activity Room. After Hours. After the Ball is Over. Ah Poor Bird. Aikendrum. Ain't Gonna Let Nobody. Ain't You Got a Right. adap. Alexander's Ragtime Band. All Clear in Harrisburg. All I Ask Of You. All I Really Need. All My Trials. All the Good People. All The Pretty Little Horses. All the Weary Mothers of the Earth. All Things Bright and Beautiful. All Through the Night. Ar Hyd y Nos. All Used Up. Alleluia. Alouette. Amazing Grace. Amelia Earhart's Last Flight. America. America The Beautiful. America from West Side Story. Andorra. Angel Band. Angel From Montgomery. Angels Hovering Round. Angels Watchin' Over Me. Anne Boleyn. Annie Laurie. Annie's Song. Apple Trees in Bloom. Applepickers Reel. Aragon Mill. Arrabella Miller. Arthur McBride. The Ash Grove. Asikatali. At the Gate of Heaven. Au Clair de la Lune. Auld Lang Syne. Aunt Rhody. Aupres de ma blonde. Away With Rum. Babies in the Mill. Baby Beluga. Baby Tree. Babylon. Babylon is Fallen. Babysitter Song. Back Home Again. Ballad of Erica Levine. Ballad of Springhill. Balm in Gilead. La Bamba. Bamboo. The Band Played On. Banks of Marble. Banks Of The Ohio. Barbara Allen. Barnyard Dance. Barrett's Privateers. Bashana Haba-ah. La Bastringue. Battle Hymn of Women. Battle Of New Orleans. Be Kind to Your Parents from Fanny. Be King to Your Web-footed Friends. Be Prepared. Be Thou My Vision. Beans In My Ears. Because All Men Are Brothers. Before They Close the Minstrel Show. Beggars to God. Believe Me If All Those Endearing. Bella Clan. Best Friend. Unicorn Song. Beware O Take Care. Bheir Me O. adap. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Big Yellow Taxi. Biko. Bill Bailey. Birmingham Sunday. Birthday Cake. Bisan. Biscuits in the Oven. Black Fly Song. Black is the Color. adap. Black Socks. Black And White. Blackbird. Bless My Soul. Blessed Assurance. Blow The Candles Out. Blow the Man Down. Blow Ye Winds of Morning. Blowin' In The Wind. Blue Moon. The Boar's Head Carol. Boom Boom. Both Sides Now. Bottle of Wine. Bourgeois Blues. The Boxer. Brahms' Lullaby. The Bramble and the Rose. Brand New Tennessee Waltz. The Brandy Tree. Bread And Roses. Bread Song. Brennan On The Moor. Bridgit O'Malley. Bright Morning Stars. Brightest And Best. Bring a Torch. Bring Me a Rose. Bringing In The Sheaves. The Broom of the Cowdeknowes. Brother Can You Spare a Dime. Brother James' Air. Brother Sun, Sister Moon. Brush Your Teeth. Buckingham Palace. Buffalo Boy. Buffalo Gals. Building Bridges. By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Bye'n Bye. Ca' The Ewes. Camelot from Camelot. Camptown Races. Can't Kill the Spirit. Un Canadien Errant. Candy Man Blues. Canoe Round. A Capital Ship. Captain Kidd. Captain Kidd. hymn. Careless Love. Carolina in My Mind. Carry It On. Casey Jones. The Cat Came Back. Catch The Wind. Chairs to Mend. Changes. Changing As I Go. A Chat with Your Mom. Chelsea Morning. The Chemical Worker's Song. Cherry Tree Carol. Chevaliers de la Table Rond. Chickens Get Into the Tomatoes. A Child This Day. Children Go Where I Send Thee. Children of Darkness. Christmas Morning. Cielito Lindo. Cindy. Circle Chant. Circle Game. Circle of the Sun. Circle Round the Sun. Circles. City of New Orleans. Clementine. Coal Mining Woman. Coal Tattoo. Cockles and Mussles. Coffee. Colours. Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies. Come Fare Away With Me. Come Follow. Come And Go With Me. Come Take a Trip in My Airship. Comin' Through The Rye. Coming Home to You. The Coming of the Road. Common Thread. The Commonwealth of Toil. Community Power. Cook With Honey. Copper Kettle. Cotton Mill Girls. Country Life. Coventry Carol. Crawdad. Cripple Creek. The Cruel War Is Raging. Custom-made Woman Blues. The Cutty Wren. Daddy What's a Train. Daisy Bell. Dancing at Whitsun. Dancing In The Street. Daniel. Danny Boy. Dark As A Dungeon. Darlin' Corey. Day by Day from Godspell. Day Is Done. Day Is Dying In The West. Day-O. Dayenu. De Colores. Dear Lord and Father. Deep Blue Sea. Deep River. Deep River Blues. Demos Gracias. Deportee. Desperado. Dillan Bay. Dirty Old Town. Djankoye. Do Lord. Do Re Mi. Do Re Mi from The Sound of Music. Do You Love an Apple. Dock Of The Bay. Dodi Li. Don't Put Your Finger Up Your Nose. Don't Shut My Sister Out. Don't You Push Me Down. Don't You Weep After Me. Dona Dona. Dona Nobis Pacem. Done Laid Around. Douglas Mountain. Down at the Station. Down by the Bay. Down by the Old Mill Stream. Down by the Sally Gardens. Down in the Valley. Down on the American Farm. Down On The Farm. Downtown. Draft the Dodger Rag. Draglines. Dream A Little Dream Of Me. Drill Ye Tarriers Drill. Drunken Sailor. The Dutchman. Dwelling in Buelah Land. E-ri-ee. Early Morning Rain. The Earth Is My Mother. Eddystone Light. Edelweiss from The Sound of Music. Ego Sum Pauper. Eleanor Rigby. Eleckatricity and All. Eli Eli. Halicha L'Kesariya. Eliyahu. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Erev Ba. Erie Canal. Every Night When The Sun Goes In. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Everybody Loves Saturday Night. Everybody's Talking. Every Day. Everything's Possible. Ezekiel Saw The Wheel. Factory Girl. Fairest Lord Jesus. The Faith of Man. Family. Farewell to Tarwaithe. Farmer. Farmer is the Man. Farther Along. Fashioned in the Clay. Father's Whiskers. The Faucets are Dripping. Fiddler's Green. Field Behind The Plow. Fifty Nine Cents. Fight Back. Finjan. Finnegan's Wake. Fire And Rain. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Five Hundred Miles. Five Little Ducks. Flower Carol. Fly Me To The Moon. The Foggy, Foggy Dew. Follow The Drinkin' Gourd. Follow the Gleam. Food Glorious Food from Oliver. Foolish Frog. adap. For A Change. For Baby. For Bobby. For Me And My Gal. For The Beauty Of The Earth. Forty Hour Week. Forty-Five Years. Four Strong Winds. The Fox. Frankie and Johnny. Free At Last. Free To Be You And Me. Freedom Is A Constant Struggle. Freight Train. Freiheit. French Cathedral Round. Friendly Beasts. Friends Forever. Froggie Went A Courtin'. Frozen Logger. Funiculi, Funicula. The Gallo Song. Garbage. Garden Song. Gardening. Gay Spirit Moving. Die Gedanken sind frei. Gee Officer Krupke from West Side Story. A Gentle Song. Geordie. George Fox Song. Geronimo's Cadillac. Get Up and Go. Getting to Know You from The King and I. Gibberish. Git Along Little Dogies. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Give My Regards to Broadway. Give Yourself to Love. Glad to Be a Woman. Gloucestershire Wassail. Go Down Moses. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Go to Joan Glover. Go to Work on Monday. God Bless the Grass. God Bless The Moon. God's Gift to Women. Goin' Down The Road. Going to the Zoo. Golden Vanity. Gone, Gonna Rise Again. Good News. Good Old Dora. Goodbye, John Wayne. Goodbye to the Thirty Foot Trailer. Goodnight Irene. Goodnight-Loving Trail. Gospel Changes. Gospel Ship. Government on Horseback. Gracias a la Vida. Grandfather's Clock. The Great Silkie. The Great Storm is Over. The Green Grass Grows All Around. Green Green Rocky Road. Green Grow the Rashes-o. Green Grow the Rushes. Green Rollin' Hills. Greenland Fisheries. Grey Funnel Line. Guantanamera. Gum Song. Haida Haida. Hallelujah, I'm A Bum. Hallelujah I'm a Travelin'. Hang on the Bell, Nellie. Happiness Runs. The Happy Wanderer. Hard Ain't It Hard. Hard Love. Hard Lovin' Loser. Hard Times Come Again No More. Hard Traveling. Harriet Tubman. Haul Away Joe. Hava Nagila. Hava Nashira. Have You Seen the Ghost of John. Hay Una Mujer. He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother. He Played Real Good For Free. He's Got The Whole World. He's My Rock My Sword My Shield. Healing River. Heart Like A Wheel. Heart Of My Heart. Hearth and Fire. Heat Wave. Heaven Help Us All. Hello In There. Here Comes The Sun. Here's to Cheshire. Here's to You Rounders. Hevenu Shalom Alecheim. Hey Ho Nobody Home. Hey Look Me Over from Wildcat. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye. Hieland Laddie. Hills of Isle Au Haut. Hineh Ma Tov. The Hippopotamus Song. Hobo's Lullaby. Hold On. Hole In the Bucket. Holly Ann. The Holly Bears A Berry. The Holly and the Ivy. Holy Ground. Home Again. Home on the Range. Homeward Bound. Homophobia. Honor the Earth. Hoppity. A Horse Named Bill. Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight. House Of The Rising Sun. Housewife's Lament. How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live. How Can I Keep From Singing. The Hug. Hush Li'l Baby. Hymn for the Nations. Hymn for the Russian Earth. Hymn Song. I Ain't Got No Home in This World. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore. I Am a Union Woman. I Am a Woman. I Am an Acorn. I Am Changing My Name To Chrysler. I Can't Help But Wonder. I Circle Around. I Come and Stand. I Could Have Danced All Night rom My Fair Lady. I Didn't Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier. I Don't Want Your Millions Mister. I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag. I Feel Pretty from West Side Story. I Get a Kick Out of You from Anything Goes. I Got Shoes. I Had a Little Overcoat. I Had A Rooster. I Just Called To Say I Love You. I Know An Old Lady. I Know The Lord's Laid His Hands On Me. I Know Where I'm Goin'. I Like the Age I Am. I Live in a City. I Love the Flowers. I Never Will Marry. The I.P.D. I Ride An Old Paint. I Sat Down with the Duchess to Tea. I Shall Be Released. I Still Miss Someone. I Think It's Gonna Rain Today. I Wanna Be a Dog. I Want a Girl Just Like the Girl. I Will Arise and Go to Jesus. I Will Bow and Be Simple. I Wish I Were a Little Thugar Bun. I Wish They'd Do It Now. I Won't Grow Up from Peter Pan. I Wonder as I Wander. adap. I'll Fly Away. I'm A Little Cookie. I'm A Little Teapot. I'm Gonna Be an Engineer. I'm Gonna Be Silly. I'm Gonna Do What the Spirit Says. I'm Gonna Tell on You. I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair from South Pacific. I'm In The Mood. I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover. I'm My Own Grandpa. I'm On My Way. I'm Sitting on Top of the World. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry. I've Been to London. I've Been Working On The Railroad. I've Got Sixpence. I've Got That Joy. I've Got To Know. If Ever I Would Leave You from Camelot. If I Had A Hammer. If I Only Had a Brain from The Wizard of Oz. If I Were a Featherbed. If I Were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof. If It's Magic. If Rosa Parks Can Go to Jail. If We Only Have Love. If You Don't Love Your Neighbor. If You Love Me. If You Miss Me from the Back of the Bus. If You're Happy And You Know It. Imagine. In A Little Spanish Town. In Christ There Is No East Nor West. In My Life. In the Fashion. In the Garden. In the Good Old Summertime. In the Very Middle. Iowa Waltz. The Irish Ballad. Rickety Tickety Tin. Isle Au Haut Lullaby. Isn't She Lovely. It Comes With the Plumbing. It Could Be a Wonderful World. It Could Have Been Me. It Isn't Nice. It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary. It's a Long Road to Freedom. It's All Right To Cry. It's Only a Wee Wee. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Jacob's Ladder. Jamaica Farewell. Java Jive. Jenny's Gone Away. Jesus Christ. Jesus Jesus Rest Your Head. adap. Jesus Won't You Come By Here. Jig Along Home. Joan Come Kiss Me Now. Jock O'Hazeldean. Joe Hill. John B. Sails. adap. John Barleycorn. John Brown's Body. John Henry. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. John O'Dreams. John Riley. John Wayne Image. Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye. Joseph Dearest. Joshua. Joy Is Like the Rain. Joy and Temperature. Juanita. Jubilate. Jubilee. Julian of Norwich. Junk Food Junkie. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. The Jute Mill Song. Kansas City from Oklahoma. Keep On The Sunny Side. Keep the Home Fires Burning. The Keeper. Kentucky Babe. Kevin Barry. Kilkelly, Ireland. King Of The Road. Kisses Sweeter Than Wine. Kookabura. Kumbaya. The L & N Don't Stop Here Any More. Lachen Lachen. Lads O' the Fair. Lakes of Ponchetrain. The Land Where We'll Never Grow Old. Landlord Fill The Flowing Bowl. Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream. The Last Thing On My Mind. Lavender's Blue. Lean On Me. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Let It Be. Let It Be Me. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Let the Lower Lights Keep Burning. Let the Woman in You Come Through. Let There Be Peace On Earth. Let Us Break Bread Together. Let's Do the Numbers Rumba. Let's Get Together. Lies. Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad. Lift Every Voice. Lift Me Gentle Lord. Light Is Returning. Light One Candle. The Lighthouse. Little Bit of Light. Little Blue Top. Little Boxes. Little Brand New Baby. Little Brown Dog. Autumn to May - adap. Little Brown Jug. Little House. The Little White Duck. Liverpool Lullaby. Lo How a Rose. Loch Lomond. Lone Wild Bird. Lonesome Traveler. Lonesome Valley. new version. Long Black Veil. Long Time Friends. Look to the People. Lord Blow the Moon Out. Lord Franklin. Lord, I Got Some Singing to Do. Lord I Want to Be a Christian. Lord Of The Dance. Die Lorelei. Love Grows One by One. Love Is Come Again. Love Will Guide Us. Love's Gonna Carry Us. Lovely Agnes. Lucretia Mott. Lullabye. Like a Ship. The M.T.A. Song. MacPherson's Farewell. Magic Penny. Mail Myself To You. Mairi's Wedding. Make Me a Pallet. Make New Friends. Mama Don't Allow. Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys. Man Come Into Egypt. Man In The Middle. Man Of Constant Sorrow. The Man On The Flying Trapeze. The Man That Waters the Workers Beer. The Mandolin Man. Martin's Said to His Man. Marvelous Toy. The Mary Ellen Carter. Mary Got a Job. Mary Had a Baby. Mary Hamilton. Masters in this Hall. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. May the Light of Love. May There Always Be Sunshine. Men of the Fields. Mercedes-Benz. Merry Minuet. Mi Y'malel. Michael From Mountains. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. Midnight Special. The Migrant Song. The Mill Was Made of Marble. Millworker. Mo'oz Tzur. Mole In The Ground. Moon River. Moonshadow. More Love. The More We Get Together. Morning Comes Early. Morning has Broken. Morning Morgantown. Morningtown Ride. Moscow Nights. Motherless Child. Mothers Daughters Wives. Motorcycle Song. Mountain Dew. Mountain Song. Moving Day. Mr. Bojangles. Mr. Sun. adap. Mrs. McGrath. Multiple Relationship Blues. Music Alone Shall Live. My Blue Heaven. My Body. My Dame. Had a Lame Tame Crane. My Dreydl. My Faith It Is an Oaken Staff. My Father. My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music. My Girl. My Home's Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. My Hometown. My Land is a Good Land. My Little Girl. My Lord What A Morning. My Mom's a Feminist. My Old Man. My Rainbow Race. My Rambling Boy. My Rhinoceros. My Sweet Wyoming Home. Never Turning Back. A New Day. New River Train. new version. New York, New York. Nicolia. The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down. No Easy Walk to Freedom. No Hole in My Head. No Man's Land. No More Auction Block. No More Genocide. No No No. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. Nobody Knows When You're Down and Out. Northwest Passage. Nova Scotia Farewell. Now Is the Cool of the Day. Now Let Us Sing. Now That the Buffalo's Gone. Now The Day Is Over. Nowhere Man. O Babe It Ain't No Lie. O Come Emmanuel. O Freedom. O Had I a Golden Thread. O Hannukah. O How Lovely Is The Evening. O Joy Upon This Earth. O Mary Don't You Weep. O, No, John. O Susannah. O What a Beautiful City. O What a Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma. Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley. Octopus' Garden. Oklahoma from Oklahoma. Ol' Texas. Old Chisolm Trail. Old Dan Tucker. Old Devil Time. The Old Folks At Home. Old Friends. Old Hundredth. new version. Old Joe Clark. Old JP He Ain't What He Used To be. Old MacDonald. new version. Old Rosin The Beau. Old Settler Song. Old Time Religion. parody. Oleanna. adap. On Ilkey Moor Bah T'at. On Top Of Spaghetti. Once To Every Man And Nation. One About the Bird in the Cage. One Bottle Pop. One Day At A Time. One Grain of Sand. One Man's Hands. One More Step. One Morning In May. Only a Song. Oseh Shalom. Our Life Is More Than Our Work. Over In The Meadow. Over My Head. Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz. Pack Up Your Sorrows. Pack Up Your Troubles. Paddy on the Railway. Paradise. Passing Through. Pastures Of Plenty. Patriot Game. Peace in the Valley. Peace Is. Peace Is Flowing Like a River. Peace Like A River. Peace Round. Peace Song. Peanut Butter. The Peat Bog Soldiers. Peggy-o. Penny Lane. The People Are Scratching. People Like You. Per Spelmann. Pick A Bale Of Cotton. The Piney Wood Hills. A Place In The Choir. Plaisir d'Amour. Pleasant and Delightful. Please Tip Your Waitress. Plegaria a un Labrador. Pollution. Poor Mr. Morgan. Power. The Power and the Glory. Prairie in the Sky. Prayer of St. Francis. The Preacher and the Slave. Pie in the Sky. The Preacher Went Down. Precious Friend. Precious Lord. Precious Memories. Pretty Little Baby. Pretty Saro. adap. El Pueblo Unido. Puff. The Magic Dragon. Put on YOur Old Grey Bonnet. Put Your Finger In The Air. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Puttin' on the Style. The Ramblin' Rover. Reach Out And Touch Somebody's Hand. Rebel Girl. Red Is The Rose. Red River Valley. Rhymes And Reasons. The Rich Man And The Poor Man. Riddle Song. Ride-a-Cock Horse. Riding In My Car. Rigs of the Time. Ring Around the Rosy Rag. Ring in the New Year. Rio Grande. Ripple. Rise Again. Rise Up O Flame. Rise Up Shepherd. Rising of the Moon. adap. River. River of Light. adap. Riverboat. The Rivers of Babylon. The Road I Took to You. Road to the Isles. Rock Island Line. Rock Me Roll Me. Rock Me To Sleep. Rock-a My Soul. adap. Rocky Mountain High. Roddy Mccorley. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Roll On Columbia. Roll The Union On. Roll to the River. Rollin' Down to Old Maui. Rollng Hills of the Borders. Rolling Home. Rooster Song. Rooty Toot Toot for the Moon. Rose Rose. The Rose. Rosebud in June. Roseville Fair. Royal Telephone. Rubber Blubber Whale. Run Come See Jerusalem. The Runaway Shop Song. S-A-V-E-D. Sabbath Prayer from Fiddler on the Roof. Safe in the Harbor. Sailin' Down this Golden River. Sailing Up, Sailing Down. A Sailor's Prayer. Saint James Infirmary. Sakura. Salty Dog. Same Boat Now. San Francisco Bay Blues. Sarah's Circle. Sarasponda. Satisfied Mind. Scarborough Fair. Scotland's Burning. Seek Ye First. Seek and You Shall Find. Send in the Clowns from A Little Night Music. Seneca Canoe Song. September Song from Knickerbocker Holiday. Seven Joys Of Mary. Seventy-Six Trombones from The Music Man. Shabat Shalom. Shady Grove. Shake My Sillies Out. Shake Sugaree. Shake These Bones. Shaker Life. Shalom Chaverim. Shenandoah. Shine on Harvest Moon. Ship Titanic. Shortnin' Bread. The Sick Note. Sidewalks Of New York. Simple Gifts. Since You Asked. Sing along. Sing And Rejoice. Singing for Our Lives. Sinner Man. Sister. Sisters Of Mercy. Sixteen Tons. Skip to My Lou. Skye Boat Song. So Long It's Been Good to Know Yuh. Sodeo. Soft O'er the Fountain. Solar Carol. Bright Morning Star. Solidarity Forever. Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific. Somebody Touched Me. Someday Soon. Someone to Love Me. Somerset Wassail. Something To Sing About. Somewhere from West Side Story. Somos El Barco. Song for Judith. A Song Of Peace. Song of the Soul. Sons Of. Fils De. Soon It's Gonna Rain from The Fantasticks. Sound Of Music from The Sound of Music. Sounds of Silence. Soup Song. South Australia. Spanish is the Living Tongue. Spirit Of God. Spirit Of The Living God. Spoon River. Squalor. Stagolee. Stand By Me. Standin' In The Need Of Prayer. Star of the County Down. Starlight on the Rails. Steal Away. Stealin' Stealin'. Step By Step. Step it Out Nancy. Stevens Don't Allow. Stewball. Still Ain't Satisfied. Stone Harbor Lullaby. Stouthearted Men from New Moon. Streets Of Laredo. Streets Of London. Study War No More. Sumer Is Icumen In. Summertime from Porgy and Bess. Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof. Sur Le Pont D'Avignon. Sussex Mummers Carol. Suzanne. Swallow Song. Sweet Baby James. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Sweet and Low. Sweet Potatoes. Sweet Song of Yesterday. Sweet Sunny South. Swimming Song. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. T.V. Song. Taft Hartley Song. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Out To The Ballgame. Take These Hands. Take This Hammer. Tallis Canon. Tea for Two from No, No, Nanette. Teach Your Children. Teddy Bears' Picnic. Tell Me I'm Lovely When I Cry. Tell Me Why. Ten Little Frogs. Tender Shepherd from Peter Pan. Tennessee Stud. Tenting Tonight. Testimony. Thanksgiving Eve. That Cause Can Neither Be Lost Nor Stayed. That's What Friends Are For. There Are Three Brothers. There But For Fortune. There Is a Tavern in the Town. There Was a Young Woman. There Were Roses. There'll Come a Time. There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea. There's a Long Long Trail. They Call the Wind Maria from Paint Your Wagon. They'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain. Thirsty Boots. This Glorious Food. This Land Is Your Land. This Little Light. new version. This Old Earth. This Old Man. new version. This Train. adap. This World Is Not My Home. Those Were The Days. Throw It Out the Window. Thyme. Time Has Made a Change in Me. Time's A-gettin' Hard. The Times They Are A-Changin'. To Sing for You. To Stop the Train. To Try For The Sun. Today. Tom Dooley. Tomorrow Is A Long Time. Tonight from West Side Story. Too Old for Work. The Tracks Of My Tears. The Trail of the Lonseome Pine. Tramp on the Street. Travelin' Man. Trouble In Mind. Truck Drivin' Woman. Try to Remember from The Fantasticks. Tumbalalaika. Turn Around. Turn Back O Man from Godspell. Turn, Turn, Turn. Turn Ye to Me. Turn Your Radio On. Turning of the World. Turning Toward the Morning. Twelve Days Of Christmas. Two Brothers. Two Good Arms. Two Sleepy People. Tzena Tzena. Ubi caritas. Under One Sky. Union Maid. Universal Soldier. Until It's Time For You To Go. Up On The Roof. Urge for Goin'. The Valley of Strathmore. Vesper Hymn. Victor Jara. Vine And Fig Tree. Violets of Dawn. Viva La Quince Brigada. Vive l'AMour. Vive La Cookery Maid. Voices from the Mountains. Wabash Cannonball. Wade In The Water. Wait Til the Sun Shines Nellie. Walk In Jerusalem. Walk Shepherdess Walk. Waltz Across Texas. Waltzing Matilda. Waltzing with Bears. Wanderin'. Wasn't That a Time. The Wassail Song. Water Is Wide. Waterfall. Waydy Bug and Wittle Woim. Wayfaring Stranger. The Ways of Man. We Are All One Planet. We Are Building a Strong Union. We Are the Flow. We Can Work It Out. We Don't Need the Men. We Hate to See Them Go. We Need A Whole Lot More Of Jesus. We Shall Not Be Moved. We Shall Overcome. We'll Understand It Better By And By. We're Off to See the Wizard from The Wizard of Oz. Wear It As Long As You Can. Weave Me the Sunshine. adap. Wedding Banquet. The Wedding Song. Were You There. What a Day of Victory. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. What Did You Learn in School Today. What Do I Do. What Have They Done To The Rain. What If the Russians Don't Come. What The World Needs Now. What to Do. What You Do with What You've Got. What'll I Do With This Baby-O. What's That I Hear. Wheels On the Bus. When All Thy Names Are One. When I First Came To This Land. When I Needed A Neighbor. When I Was a Fair Maid. When I'm Gone. When I'm Sixty-Four. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. When Jesus Wept. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. When the Saints Go Marching In. adap. When The Ship Comes In. When You Wore A Tulip. Where Could I Go. Where Have All The Flowers Gone. Where Is Love. From Oliver. Which Side Are You On. Whiffenpoos Song. While Strolling thru the Park. White Collar Holler. White Sands and Grey Sands. Who Built the Ark. adap. Who's Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Foot. Why O Why. Why Shouldn't My Goose. Wild Mountain Thyme. Wild Rover. The Wild West Is Where I Want to Be. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Willie of Winsbury. Willin'. The Willing Conscript. Winnsboro Cotton Mull Blues. The Witch Song. With a Little Bit of Luck from My Fair Lady. With A Little Help From My Friends. With God On Our Side. Woke Up This Morning. Woman At the Well. adap. The Woman in Your Life. The Woman She Hold Up. Wondrous Love. Work of the Weavers. Working Girl Blues. The World Turned Upside Down. Worried Man Blues. Wouldn't It Be Loverly from My Fair Lady. Woyaya. Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies. Wynken, Blynken and Nod. Yea Ho Little Fish. Yellow Submarine. Yesterday. You Ain't Going Nowhere. You Are My Sunshine. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. You Can Close Your Eyes. You Can Get It If You Really Want. You Can't Hurry Love. You Can't Make a Turtle Come Out. You Fill the Day. You Gotta Go Down. You Were On My Mind. You've Got A Friend. You've Really Got A Hold On Me. Your Daughters and Your Sons. Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore. Zum Gali Gali.Traduzione
Rise Up Singing. Il Gruppo Canto Songbook. Composto da vari. A cura di Peter Sangue. Per Choral, Melody. Testo della canzone. Chords. Vocale. Spiral Bound. Songbook. 288 pagine. Pubblicato da Hal Leonard. HL.740330. ISBN 1881322122. 7x10 pollici. Se ti piace cantare con gli amici, questo è il libro che hai sempre voluto. La maggior parte delle persone conoscono i brani a centinaia di canzoni, ma conoscono le parole per pochi. Al campo o la scuola, chiesa o Union Hall, da fuoco o nel vostro salotto, non sarete mai a corto di canzoni da cantare con questo libro. Le canzoni sono veloce e facile da individuare. appaiono in ordine alfabetico all'interno di raggruppamenti di capitoli, come ninne nanne, canzoni d'amore, canti di mare, e spirituals. Da ballate ai Beatles, Bob Dylan a Broadway, qui sono le parole, il tutto in un unico luogo, per le canzoni che hai amato in passato - con molti di più da imparare da amici in futuro. A La Claire Fontaine. Un Ram Sam Sam. A-Rovin '. Abelardo ed Eloisa. Resta con Me. Absalom. Acri di Vongole. anit-Nuke. La Sala Activity. After Hours. Dopo che la palla è finita. Ah povero uccello. Aikendrum. Non è gonna Let Nobody. Non è You Got un diritto. adap. Ragtime Band di Alessandro. All Clear a Harrisburg. All I Ask Of You. All I Really Need. All My Trials. Tutte le brave persone. Tutti i Pretty Little Horses. Tutte le Madri stanchi della Terra. All Things Bright and Bella. All Through the Night. Ar Hyd y Nos. Tutte Usato Up. Alleluia. Allodola. Amazing Grace. Amelia Earhart Last Flight. America. L'America The Beautiful. L'America da West Side Story. Andorra. Angelo Banda. Angel From Montgomery. Angels Librarsi Rotondo. Angels WatchIN 'Over Me. Anna Bolena. Annie Laurie. Canzone di Annie. Alberi di mele in fiore. Applepickers Reel. Aragon Mill. Arrabella Miller. Arthur McBride. The Ash Grove. Asikatali. Alla Porta del Cielo. Al chiaro di luna. Auld Lang Syne. Zia Rhody. Auprès mia ragazza. Away With Rum. Neonati nel mulino. Bambino Beluga. Baby Tree. Babilonia. Babilonia è caduta. Babysitter Canzone. Back Home Again. Ballad of Erica Levine. Ballad of Springhill. Balm in Gilead. La Bamba. Bambù. La band ha suonato On. Banche del Marmo. Banks Of The Ohio. Barbara Allen. Barnyard Danza. Privateers di Barrett. Bashana Haba-ah. La Bastringue. Battle Hymn of Women. Battle Of New Orleans. Be Kind ai vostri genitori di Fanny. Essere re per il vostro web-footed Amici. Be Prepared. Be Thou My Vision. Fagioli nelle mie orecchie. Poiché Tutti gli uomini sono fratelli. Prima di chiudere il Minstrel Show. Mendicanti a Dio. Believe Me se tutti coloro Endearing. Bella Clan. Best Friend. Unicorn Canzone. Attenzione O Take Care. Bheir Me O. adap. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Big Yellow Taxi. Biko. Bill Bailey. Birmingham Domenica. Torta di compleanno. Bisan. Biscotti al forno. Black Fly Canzone. Il nero è il colore. adap. Calze nere. Bianco e nero. Merlo. Bless My Soul. Assurance Beato. Soffiare le candeline Out. Soffiare il Man Down. Colpo Ye Venti di Mattina. Blowin 'In The Wind. Blue Moon. Il Cinghiale Testa Carol. Boom Boom. Both Sides Now. Bottiglia di vino. Bourgeois Blues. Il Boxer. Brahms 'Lullaby. Il Bramble e la Rosa. Brand New Tennessee Waltz. Il Brandy albero. Bread And Roses. Pane Canzone. Brennan On The Moor. Bridgit O'Malley. Luminose stelle del mattino. Brightest And Best. Portare una torcia. Bring Me una Rosa. Portare nei Covoni. La Ginestra degli Cowdeknowes. Fratello Can You Spare a Dime. Fratello James 'Air. Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna. Lavarsi i denti. Buckingham Palace. Buffalo Boy. Buffalo Gals. Costruire ponti. Con la Luce della Silvery Moon. Bye'n Bye. Ca 'Le Pecore. Camelot da Camelot. Camptown Races. Non possono uccidere lo Spirito. Un Canadien Errant. Candy Man Blues. Canoa Rotondo. Una Nave Capital. Captain Kidd. Captain Kidd. inno. Amore Careless. Carolina in My Mind. Carry It On. Casey Jones. The Cat Came Back. Catturare il vento. Sedie di ricucire. Modifiche. Cambiare come vado. Una chiacchierata con tua madre. Chelsea Mattina. La canzone di The Chemical Worker. Cherry Tree Carol. Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda. Polli Get Into Pomodori. A Child This Day. I bambini vanno dove io ti mando. Figli delle Tenebre. Christmas Morning. Cielito Lindo. Cindy. Circle Chant. Circle gioco. Circolo del Sole. Circle Round the Sun. Circles. Città di New Orleans. Clementine. Coal Mining Donna. Coal Tattoo. Vongole e Mussles. Caffè. Colori. Come All Ye Fair and Tender donna. Vieni Addio Away With Me. Vieni Seguire. Come And Go With Me. Vieni a fare un viaggio in My Airship. Comin 'Through The Rye. Coming Home to You. The Coming of the Road. Discussione Comune. Il Commonwealth di fatica. Potenza Community. Cuoco Con Miele. Copper Kettle. Cotton Mill Ragazze. Country Life. Coventry Carol. Crawdad. Cripple Creek. La guerra crudele infuria. Su misura Woman Blues. Il Cutty Wren. Papà Che cosa è un Train. Daisy Campana. Ballando a Pentecoste. Dancing In The Street. Daniel. Danny Boy. Scuro As A Dungeon. Darlin 'Corey. Day by Day di Godspell. Day Is Done. Day Is Dying In The West. Day-O. Dayenu. Colorato. Caro Signore e Padre. Deep Sea Blu. Deep River. Deep River Blues. Demos Grazie. Deportato. Fuorilegge. Dillan Bay. Dirty Old Town. Djankoye. Fare Signore. Do Re Mi. Do Re Mi da The Sound of Music. Do You Love Apple. Dock Of The Bay. Dodi Li. Non mettere il dito nel naso. Non Spegnere My Sister Out. Non si preme Me Down. Non gemere After Me. Dona Dona. Dona Nobis Pacem. Fatto Laid Intorno. Douglas Mountain. Giù alla stazione. Down by the Bay. Down by the Old Mill Stream. Giù dai Giardini di Sally. Down in the Valley. Down on the Farm americano. Down On The Farm. Centro. Progetto Dodger Rag. Gru a cingoli. Sogno A Little Dream Of Me. Praticare Ye Tarriers Drill. Sailor Drunken. L'olandese. Abitazione in Buelah Terra. E-ri-ee. Early Morning pioggia. La terra è mia madre. Eddystone Luce. Edelweiss da The Sound of Music. Ego Sum Pauper. Eleanor Rigby. Eleckatricity e All. Eli Eli. Halicha L'Kesariya. Eliyahu. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. EREV Ba. Erie Canal. Ogni sera, quando il sole va in. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Everybody Loves Sabato sera. Parlare di tutti. Every Day. Tutto è Possibile. Ezekiel Saw The Wheel. Factory Girl. Fairest Signore Gesù. La Fede di Man. Famiglia. Addio a Tarwaithe. Agricoltore. Farmer è l'Uomo. Farther Along. Fashioned in argilla. Whiskers del Padre. I rubinetti sono Dripping. Green Fiddler. Il campo dietro l'aratro. Cinquanta nove centesimi. Fight Back. Finjan. Finnegans Wake. Fire And Rain. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Cinque Hundred Miles. Five Little Ducks. Fiore Carol. Fly Me To The Moon. The Foggy, Foggy Dew. Follow The Drinkin 'zucca. Segui il Gleam. Food Glorious Food da Oliver. Foolish Frog. adap. Per un cambiamento. For Baby. Per Bobby. Per Me And My Gal. Per la bellezza della terra. Forty Hour Week. Forty-Five Years. Quattro Venti Forti. La Fox. Frankie and Johnny. Gratis At Last. Free To Be You And Me. La libertà è una lotta costante. Treno merci. Libertà. Cattedrale francese Rotondo. Amichevoli Beasts. Amici per sempre. Froggie Went A Courtin '. Congelati Logger. Funiculi, Funicula. Il Gallo canzone. Rifiuti. Giardino Canzone. Giardinaggio. Spirit Gay Moving. I pensieri sono liberi. Gee Ufficiale Krupke da West Side Story. A Gentle canzone. Geordie. George Fox Canzone. Cadillac di Geronimo. Get Up and Go. Getting to Know You da The King and I. Borbottio. Git Along Piccoli Dogies. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. I miei saluti a Broadway. Dare to Love Yourself. Glad to Be a Woman. Gloucestershire Wassail. Go Down Moses. Go Tell It On the Mountain. Vai a Joan Glover. Andare al lavoro il Lunedi. God Bless the Grass. God Bless The Moon. Dono di Dio per le donne. Goin 'Down The Road. Andare allo zoo. Oro Vanity. Andato, gonna Rise Again. Good News. Good Old Dora. Addio, John Wayne. Addio al Trailer Trenta piede. Buonanotte Irene. Buonanotte-Loving Trail. Vangelo modifiche. Vangelo della nave. Governo a cavallo. Grazie a vita. Orologio del nonno. The Great Silkie. La grande tempesta è finita. Verde erba cresce All Around. Green Green Rocky Road. Verde Grow le eruzioni cutanee-o. Verde Crescere i giunchi. Verdi colline Rollin '. Groenlandia pesca. Imbuto Grey Line. Guantanamera. Gum Canzone. Haida Haida. Alleluia, io sono A Bum. Hallelujah Sono un Travelin '. Aspetta Bell, Nellie. Happiness Runs. The Happy Wanderer. Difficile non è It Hard. Difficile Amore. Loser Difficile Lovin '. Hard Times Come Again No More. Difficile Viaggiare. Harriet Tubman. Haul via Joe. Hava Nagila. Hava Nashira. Avete visto il fantasma di John. C'è una donna. Egli non è pesante è mio fratello. Ha giocato bene reale For Free. Ha il mondo intero. Lui è mio Rock My Sword Mio Scudo. Guarigione Fiume. Cuore come una ruota. Cuore Of My Heart. Hearth and Fire. Heat Wave. Cielo Help Us All. Ciao In There. Here Comes The Sun. Ecco a Cheshire. Ecco a voi Rounders. Hevenu Shalom Alecheim. Hey Ho Nobody Home. Hey Look Me corso da Wildcat. Hey, questo è il modo To Say Goodbye. Hieland Laddie. Colline di Isle Au Haut. Hineh Ma Tov. La canzone Hippopotamus. Lullaby di Hobo. Hold On. Hole In The Bucket. Di Holly Ann. The Holly Bears A Berry. The Holly e Ivy. Holy Ground. Home Again. Mucche alla riscossa. Homeward Bound. Omofobia. Onora la Terra. Hoppity. A Bill Horse Named. Hot Time In The Old Town Stasera. House Of The Rising Sun. Lamento di Housewife. Come può un povero stand questi tempi e Live. Come posso trattenermi dal cantare. The Hug. Hush Li'l Bambino. Inno delle Nazioni. Inno per la terra russa. Inno Canto. Non ho casa in questo Mondo. I Aint Marchin 'giochi dei grandi. I Am a Union Donna. Io sono una donna. Io sono una ghianda. Sto cambiando il mio nome Chrysler. Non posso fare a meno di chiedersi. I cerchio intorno. Vengo e Stand. Potrei ballato tutta la notte rom My Fair Lady. Non ha sollevato My Boy To Be A Soldier. Io non voglio la tua Milioni di Mister. Mi sento come se fossi Fixin 'To Die Rag. Mi sento abbastanza da West Side Story. Ho ottiene un calcio di Lei da Anything Goes. I Got Shoes. Ho avuto un piccolo cappotto. I Had A Gallo. Ho appena chiamato per dire Ti amo. Io conosco una signora Vecchio. So impose le mani del Signore On Me. Io so dove sto Goin '. Mi piace l'Age I Am. Io vivo in una città. I Love the Flowers. I Never Will Marry. Il I.P.D. I Ride An Old Vernice. Mi sedetti con la Duchessa di Tea. I Shall Be Released. I Still Miss Someone. Penso che sia gonna Pioggia odierna. I Wanna Be a Dog. Cerco una ragazza Just Like the Girl. Mi leverò e andrò a Gesù. Mi si piegherà essere semplice. I Wish I Were a Little Thugar Bun. Avrei preferito farlo ora. Io non crescerà da Peter Pan. Mi chiedo come mi aggiro. adap. Io Fly Away. Sono un po 'Cookie. Sono un po 'Teapot. Sarò un Ingegnere. Sarò sciocco. Sto andando fare quello che dice lo Spirito. Io diro 'on You. Im Gonna Wash That Man Diritto Out of My Hair dal Sud Pacifico. Sono In The Mood. Sto guardando oltre un Four Leaf Clover. Sono My Own Grandpa. Sono On My Way. Sono seduto sul tetto del mondo. Sono così Lonesome I Could Cry. Sono stato a Londra. Ho lavorato sulla ferrovia. Ho Got Sixpence. Ho Got That Joy. Ho avuto modo di conoscere. Se mai I Would Leave You da Camelot. If I Had A Hammer. Se solo avessi un cervello da Il Mago di Oz. Se fossi una Featherbed. Se fossi un uomo ricco di Fiddler on the Roof. Se è magia. Se Rosa Parks posso andare in prigione. Se abbiamo Only Love. Se non si ama il prossimo tuo. If You Love Me. Se si dimentica di me dal retro del bus. Se sei felice e tu lo sai. Immaginare. In A Little Spanish Town. In Cristo non c'è né Oriente Occidente. In My Life. Nel Fashion. Nel Giardino. In Good Old Summertime. Nel Medio Molto. Iowa Waltz. The Irish Ballad. Rickety Tickety Tin. Isle Au Haut Lullaby. Non è She Lovely. Si tratta con il Plumbing. Potrebbe essere un Wonderful World. It Could Have Been Me. Non è bello. E 'un lungo cammino lungo per Tipperary. E 'una lunga strada verso la libertà. E 'All Right To Cry. E 'solo una Wee Wee. Itsy Bitsy Spider. Scala di Giacobbe. Jamaica Farewell. Java Jive. Jenny è andato via. Gesù Cristo. Gesù Gesù riposare la testa. adap. Gesù non vuoi venire di qui. Jig Lungo casa. Joan Vieni Kiss Me Now. Jock O'Hazeldean. Joe Hill. John B. Sails. adap. John Barleycorn. Corpo di John Brown. John Henry. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. John O'Dreams. John Riley. John Wayne Immagine. Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye. Joseph Dearest. Joshua. La gioia è come la pioggia. Gioia e temperatura. Juanita. Esultare. Giubileo. Giuliana di Norwich. Junkie Junk Food. Just A Closer Walk Con Te. La iuta Mill canzone. Kansas City da Oklahoma. Keep On The Sunny Side. Mantenere i Fuochi casa che brucia. The Keeper. Kentucky Modella. Kevin Barry. Kilkelly, Irlanda. King Of The Road. Baci Sweeter Than Wine. Kookabura. Kumbaya. La L. Laughing Laughing. Lads O 'Fiera. Laghi di Ponchetrain. La terra dove potremo mai invecchiare. Landlord riempire la ciotola Flowing. Ieri sera ho fatto un sogno stranissimo. The Last Thing On My Mind. Blue Lavender. Lean On Me. Appoggiato sulle braccia eterne. Let It Be. Let It Be Me. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Vediamo le luci inferiori continuare a bruciare. Lasciate che la donna, si arriva attraverso. Let There Be Peace On Earth. Rompiamo Bread Together. Facciamo Numbers Rumba. Let 's Get Together. Bugie. Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad. Lift Every Voice. Sollevare Me Gentle Signore. Luce sta tornando. Accendere una candela. Il Faro. Little Bit of Light. Poco Blue Top. Little Boxes. Piccolo Marca New Baby. Little Brown Dog. Autumn a maggio - adap. Little Brown Jug. Little House. The Duck Little White. Liverpool Lullaby. Lo Come una Rosa. Loch Lomond. Lone selvatico. Lonesome Traveler. Lonesome Valley. nuova versione. Long Black Veil. Long Time Friends. Guardate al Popolo. Signore Colpo the Moon Out. Signore Franklin. Signore, ho avuto qualche cantante da fare. Signore, io voglio essere un cristiano. Lord Of The Dance. Die Lorelei. L'amore cresce One by One. Love Is Come Again. L'amore ci guiderà. Gonna di Amore Carry Us. Incantevoli Agnes. Lucretia Mott. Lullabye. Come una nave. Il M.T.A. Canzone. Addio di MacPherson. Penny Magia. Mail Me To You. Wedding di Mairi. Make Me a Pallet. Fare nuove amicizie. Mama Non Consenti. Mamme Non lasciate che i vostri bambini crescere fino ad essere Cowboys. Man Vieni in Egitto. Man In The Middle. Man Of Constant Sorrow. The Man On The Flying Trapeze. L'uomo che le acque della Birra Lavoratori. Il Mandolin Man. Martin disse al suo uomo. Toy Marvelous. La Mary Ellen Carter. Mary ha ottenuto un lavoro. Mary Had a Baby. Mary Hamilton. Masters in questa sala. Matteo, Marco, Luca e Giovanni. Possa la Luce dell'Amore. Possa esserci sempre il sole. Gli uomini dei campi. Mercedes-Benz. Minuetto Allegro. Mi Y'malel. Michael Dalle Montagne. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. Midnight Special. La canzone Migrant. Il mulino era di marmo. Millworker. Mo'oz Tzur. Mole In The Ground. Moon River. Moonshadow. More Love. The More We Get Together. Morning Comes precoce. Morning Has Broken. Mattina Morgantown. Morningtown Giro. Moscow Nights. Bambino Motherless. Madri Daughters Wives. Moto Canzone. Mountain Dew. Mountain Song. Moving Day. Mr. Bojangles. Mr. Sun. adap. Mrs. McGrath. Più Blues di relazione. Musica da sola Vivrà. My Blue Heaven. My Body. My Dame. Aveva un Lame Tame Crane. Il mio Dreydl. La mia fede è un Staff Oaken. Mio Padre. My Favorite Things di The Sound of Music. My Girl. My Home di Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. My Hometown. La mia terra è una buona terra. My Little Girl. My Lord What A Mattina. Mia mamma una femminista. My Old Man. Il mio Arcobaleno Race. Il mio Rambling Boy. I miei Rhinoceros. My Sweet Wyoming Casa. Mai Turning Back. A New Day. New River Train. nuova versione. New York, New York. Nicolia. La notte che Drove Old Dixie giù. No Easy Walk to Freedom. No Hole in My Head. Terra di Nessuno. No More Auction Block. No More genocidio. No No No. Nobody Knows The Trouble ho visto. Nessuno sa quando sei giù e fuori. Northwest Passage. Nova Scotia Farewell. Ora è la brezza del giorno. Ora cantiamo. Ora che il Buffalo finiti. Ora la giornata è finita. Nowhere Man. O babe Non è No Lie. O Come Emmanuel. O Freedom. O se avessi un filo d'oro. O Hannukah. O come bella è la sera. O Joy Upon This Earth. O Maria non piangi. O, No, John. O Susannah. O Che Bella Città. O Che una bella mattina da Oklahoma. Avena, piselli, fagioli e orzo. Octopus 'Garden. Oklahoma da Oklahoma. Ol 'Texas. Old Chisolm Trail. Old Dan Tucker. Old Devil Tempo. The Old Folks At Home. Old Friends. Old Hundredth. nuova versione. Old Joe Clark. Old JP Non è quello che ha usato per essere. Old MacDonald. nuova versione. Old Rosin Il Beau. Old Colono Canzone. Old Time Religion. parodia. Oleanna. adap. Su ilkey Moor Bah T'at. On Top Of Spaghetti. Una volta ad ogni uomo e nazione. Uno Circa l'uccello in gabbia. One Bottle Pop. One Day At A Time. Un granello di sabbia. Le mani di un uomo. Un altro passo. Una mattina di maggio. Solo una Song. Oseh Shalom. La nostra vita è più di Nostro Lavoro. Negli Nel Prato. Over My Head. Over the Rainbow da Il Mago di Oz. Pack Up Your Sorrows. Pack Up Your Troubles. Paddy sulla ferrovia. Paradiso. Passing Through. Pascoli Of Plenty. Patriot Gioco. La pace nella valle. La pace è. La pace scorre come un fiume. Peace Like A River. Pace Tondo. Peace Song. Peanut Butter. Torbiera Soldiers. Peggy-o. Penny Lane. Le persone si grattano. Persone come te. Per Spelmann. Scegli una balla di cotone. Il Piney legno Hills. A Place In The Choir. Plaisir d'Amour. Piacevole e delizioso. Si prega Suggerimento Il Waitress. La preghiera di un Labrador. Inquinamento. Povero signor Morgan. Potenza. Il potere e la gloria. Prairie in the Sky. Preghiera di San Francesco. Il predicatore e lo Slave. Pie in the Sky. The Preacher andato giù. Amico Precious. Precious Lord. Precious Memories. Pretty Little Bambino. Piuttosto Saro. adap. El Pueblo Unido. Puff. The Magic Dragon. Mettere sul tuo Old Grey Bonnet. Metti il tuo dito in aria. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Puttin 'on the Style. La Ramblin 'Rover. Toccare con mano mano di qualcuno. Rebel Girl. Red Is The Rose. Red River Valley. Rhymes And Motivi. Il ricco e il povero. Riddle Canzone. Guidare-a-cazzo cavallo. Equitazione In My Car. Rigs of Time. Ring Around the Rosy Rag. Anello nel nuovo anno. Rio Grande. Ondulazione. Risuscitare. Rise Up O Fiamma. Rise Up Shepherd. L'aumento della Luna. adap. Fiume. Fiume di Luce. adap. Riverboat. I fiumi di Babilonia. La strada che ha portato a Voi. Road to the Isles. Rock Island linea. Rock Me mi rotolavi. Rock Me To Sleep. Rock-a My Soul. adap. Rocky Mountain High. Roddy Mccorley. Stendere le braccia di My Sweet baby. Roll On Columbia. Arrotolare L'Unione On. Arrotolare al fiume. Rollin 'Down to Old Maui. Rollng Hills frontiere. Rotolamento Casa. Rooster Canzone. Rooty Toot Toot per la Luna. Rose Rose. The Rose. Rosebud nel mese di giugno. Roseville Fiera. Reale Telefono. Gomma grasso di balena. Eseguire Vieni See Gerusalemme. The Runaway Negozio canzone. S-A-V-E-D. Sabbath Prayer dal violinista sul tetto. Cassaforte in porto. Sailin 'giù questo fiume d'oro. Vela Up, Vela Giù. La preghiera del marinaio. St. James Infirmary. Sakura. Salty Dog. Stessa Barca Ora. San Francisco Bay Blues. Circolo di Sarah. Sarasponda. Satisfied Mind. Scarborough Fair. Masterizzazione di Scozia. Cercate prima. Cercate e troverete. Send in the Clowns da A Little Night Music. Seneca Canoe Canzone. September Song da Knickerbocker vacanza. Sette gioie di Maria. Settantasei Tromboni da The Music Man. Shabat Shalom. Shady Grove. Agitare miei Sillies Out. Agitare Sugaree. Agitare Queste ossa. Shaker Vita. Shalom Chaverim. Shenandoah. Shine on Harvest Moon. Nave Titanic. Shortnin 'Pane. La nota Sick. I marciapiedi di New York. Simple Gifts. Poiché You Asked. Canta. Cantate e gioite. Singing for Our Lives. Sinner Man. Sorella. Sisters Of Mercy. Sixteen Tons. Skip to My Lou. Skye Boat Song. So Long E 'stato bello sapere Yuh. Sodeo. Morbido Sovra la Fontana. Solar Carol. Bright Morning Stella. Solidarietà per sempre. Some Enchanted Evening dal Sud Pacifico. Somebody Touched Me. Someday Soon. Someone to Love Me. Somerset Wassail. Qualcosa da cantare. Da qualche parte da West Side Story. Siamo The Boat. Song for Judith. Un canto di pace. Song of the Soul. Sons Of. Fils De. Presto Sara 'pioggia dal Fantasticks. Sound Of Music from The Sound of Music. Sounds of Silence. Zuppa Canzone. South Australia. Lo spagnolo è il Vivente Tongue. Spirit Of God. Spirito del Dio vivente. Spoon River. Squallore. Stagolee. Stand By Me. Standin 'nel bisogno di preghiera. Star of the County Down. Starlight sulle rotaie. Steal Away. Stealin 'Stealin'. Step by Step. Passo it Out Nancy. Stevens Non Consenti. Stewball. Ancora non è soddisfatto. Stone Harbor Lullaby. Uomini stouthearted da New Moon. Streets Of Laredo. Streets Of London. Guerra Studio No More. Sumer Is icumen In. Summertime da Porgy and Bess. Sunrise, Sunset from violinista sul tetto. Le Pont D'Avignon. Sussex Mummers Carol. Suzanne. Rondine Canzone. Sweet Baby James. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Sweet and Low. Patate dolci. Dolce canto di ieri. Dolce Sunny South. Nuoto Canzone. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. T.V. Canzone. Taft Hartley Canzone. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Take Me Out To The Ballgame. Prendere These Hands. Take This Hammer. Tallis Canon. Tea for Two da No, No, Nanette. Insegnate ai vostri bambini. Picnic Teddy Bears '. Tell Me Io sono bello quando piango. Tell Me Why. Ten Little Frogs. Tender Pastore da Peter Pan. Tennessee Stud. Tenting Stasera. Testimonianza. Eve Ringraziamento. Che Causa non può essere né perso né soggiornato. Questo è ciò che gli amici sono per. Ci sono tre fratelli. Vi Ma per fortuna. C'è una taverna nella Città. C'era una donna giovane. Rose ci sono stati. Ci sarà un momento. C'è un buco nel fondo del mare. C'è un sentiero lungo lungo. They Call the Wind Maria da Paint Your Wagon. Saranno Comin 'Round the Mountain. Stivali Thirsty. Questo Glorious Food. This Land Is Your Land. Questo Little Light. nuova versione. Questo Vecchia Terra. This Old Man. nuova versione. Questo Train. adap. This World Is Not My Home. Quelli erano i giorni. Tira fuori dalla finestra. Timo. Il tempo ha fatto un cambiamento in me. Time A-gettin 'Hard. I tempi sono A-Changin '. Per cantare per voi. Di fermare il treno. To Try For The Sun. Oggi. Tom Dooley. Tomorrow Is A Long Time. Stasera da West Side Story. Troppo vecchio per il lavoro. I Tracks Of My Tears. Il Sentiero del Lonseome Pine. Tramp on the Street. Travelin 'Man. Trouble In Mente. Donna Truck Drivin '. Cercate di ricordare da The Fantasticks. Tumbalalaika. Turn Around. Turn Back O Man from Godspell. Turn, Turn, Turno. Girare Ye to Me. Turn Your Radio On. Accensione del Mondo. Girando Verso la mattina. Twelve Days Of Christmas. Two Brothers. Due buone Arms. Due Sleepy People. Tzena Tzena. Ubi caritas. Under One Sky. Unione domestica. Universal Soldier. Fino E 'tempo per voi di andare. Up On The Roof. Urge per Goin '. La Valle di Strathmore. Vesper Hymn. Victor Jara. Vine E Fig Tree. Violets of Dawn. Viva La Quince Brigada. Vive L'Amour. Vive La cucina domestica. Voci dal Monti. Wabash Cannonball. Wade In The Water. Attendere Til the Sun Shines Nellie. A piedi a Gerusalemme. Cammina Pastorella Passeggiata. Waltz Across Texas. Waltzing Matilda. Valzer con Orsi. Wanderin '. Non era che un tempo. Il Wassail song. Water Is Wide. Cascata. Bug Waydy e Wittle Woim. Stranger Wayfaring. Le vie di Man. We Are All One Planet. Stiamo costruendo un'Unione forte. We Are the Flow. We Can Work It Out. Non abbiamo bisogno degli Uomini. Odiamo di vederli andare. Abbiamo bisogno di un bel po 'di più di Gesù. We Shall Not Be Moved. We Shall Overcome. Ti capirlo meglio By And By. Siamo a vedere il Mago da Il Mago di Oz. Indossare È As Long As You Can. Weave Me Sunshine. adap. Wedding Banquet. The Wedding Song. Tu eri lì. Che un Giorno della Vittoria. Che un amico che abbiamo in Gesù. Cosa hai imparato oggi a scuola. Cosa devo fare. Che cosa hanno fatto To The Rain. Che cosa succede se i russi non arrivano. Il mondo ha bisogno adesso. Cosa fare. Quello che fai con quello che hai. Cosa potrai fare con questo baby-O. Cosa c'è che sento. Ruote sul Bus. Quando tutti i tuoi nomi sono One. Quando sono arrivato in questa terra. Quando ho bisogno di un prossimo. Quando ero un equo domestica. Quando sono finiti. Quando sono Sixty-Four. Quando gli occhi irlandesi Smiling. Quando Gesù Wept. Quando il rotolo viene richiamata Yonder. Quando il Saints Go Marching In. adap. When The Ship Comes In. Quando Lei indossava un tulipano. Dove potrei andare. Dove sono finiti tutti i fiori. Dove Is Love. Da Oliver. Quale Side Are You On. Whiffenpoos Canzone. Mentre Passeggiando attraverso il Parco. White Collar Holler. White Sands e Grigio Sands. Chi ha costruito l'Arca. adap. Chi sta andando Shoe Your Pretty Little piede. Perché O Perché. Perché non dovrebbe My Goose. Wild Mountain Thyme. Wild Rover. Il Wild West Is Where I Wanna Be. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Willie di Winsbury. Willin '. The Willing coscritto. Winnsboro Cotton Mull Blues. La Strega canzone. Con un po 'di fortuna da My Fair Lady. Con un piccolo aiuto dai miei amici. With God On Our Side. Woke Up This Morning. Donna al pozzo. adap. La donna della vostra vita. La donna che Tenere Up. Amore Wondrous. Il lavoro dei tessitori. Working Girl Blues. The World Turned Upside Down. Worried Man Blues. Non sarebbe Loverly da My Fair Lady. Woyaya. Wraggle-Taggle zingari. Wynken, Blynken e Nod. Yea Ho Little Fish. Yellow Submarine. Ieri. Non sta andando da nessuna. You Are My Sunshine. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. È possibile chiudere gli occhi. You Can Get It If You Really Want. Non si può Hurry Love. Non è possibile effettuare una tartaruga Come Out. Si riempie il Day. You Gotta Go giù. You Were On My Mind. Tu hai un amico. Hai Really Got A Hold On Me. Le tue figlie ei tuoi figli. Il tuo Decal Flag non andranno in cielo giochi dei grandi. Zum Gali Gali.I più richiesti
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