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Band Expressions, Book One. Student Edition. Bass Clarinet. Robert W. Smith. Bass Clarinet sheet music.Traduzione
Banda Expressions, Book One. Student Edition. Clarinetto Basso. Robert W. Smith. Bass Clarinet foglio di musica.Originale
Band Expressions, Book One. Student Edition. Bass Clarinet. Bass Clarinet. Concert Band. For bass clarinet. Concert Band Method. Method. Instruction. SmartMusic. Band Expressions. Method and Instructional. Instructional book and accompaniment CD. Introductory text and instructional photos. 56 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.EMCB1006CD. ISBN 0757918042. With introductory text and instructional photos. Method and Instructional. 9x12 inches. Band Expressions provides music educators at all levels with easy-to-use, exciting tools to meet daily classroom challenges and bring new vibrancy and depth to teaching music. The lessons were written based on the National Standards for the Arts in Music -- not retro-fitted to the Standards. The program is both music literacy-based and literacy driven -- based on music literacy while satisfying reading and writing mandates in band class. Unique Features of Band Expressions include. Sequenced introduction of percussion instruments to allow not only traditional concert percussion, but also keyboard, accessory, and world percussion. Existing, well-known supplements, such as The Art of Playing,. 101. Rhythmic Rest Patterns, and Treasury of Scales. Preparation for other musical ensembles and experiences. Nine full-band pieces by Robert W. Smith and Michael Story. Each Student Edition includes an accompaniment CD recorded live with authentic instruments featuring songs that motivate students to practice. The books feature attractive full-color interiors with easy-to-read notes. 's Wonderful. Anchors Aweigh. Augie's Great Municiple Band. Bang the Drum All Day. Batman Theme. Catch A Falling Star. Celebration. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Doo Wah Diddy Diddy. Duke's Place AKA C Jam Blues. Feliz Navidad. Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue. Happy Birthday To You. The Hey Song. I Got Rhythm. It Don't Mean A Thing. Jingle Bell Rock. Jingle Bells. Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree. Matchmaker. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down. Na Na Hey Hey. Kiss Him Goodbye. Over There. Over The Rainbow. Rhapsody in Blue. Royal Fireworks Music. Satin Doll. Instrumental. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You. Summertime. Sunrise, Sunset. The Chicken Dance. Theme from Ice Castles. Theme From Jaws. There's No One Exactly Like Me. Winter Wonderland. Wipe Out. Woodchopper's Ball. Woodchopper's Ball. C Version.Traduzione
Banda Expressions, Book One. Student Edition. Clarinetto Basso. Clarinetto Basso. Concert Band. Per clarinetto basso. Metodo Concert Band. Metodo. Istruzione. SmartMusic. Espressioni band. Metodo e Instructional. Libro didattico e accompagnamento CD. Testo introduttivo e foto didattici. 56 pagine. Pubblicato da Alfred Music. AP.EMCB1006CD. ISBN 0757918042. Con testo introduttivo e foto didattici. Metodo e Instructional. 9x12 pollici. Banda Espressioni fornisce insegnanti di musica a tutti i livelli, con facile da usare, strumenti interessanti per affrontare le sfide quotidiane in aula e portare nuova vitalità e profondità alla musica insegnamento. Le lezioni sono state scritte in base alle norme nazionali per la Arts in Music - non retro-montati Standards. Il programma è sia di alfabetizzazione a base di musica e di alfabetizzazione guidati - sulla base di alfabetizzazione musicale, oltre a soddisfare lettura e la scrittura mandati in classe banda. Caratteristiche uniche di banda espressioni sono. Introduzione di strumenti a percussione sequenziato per consentire non solo percussioni concerto tradizionale, ma anche la tastiera, accessorio, e percussioni mondo. Esistenti, integratori ben noti, come ad esempio l'arte di suonare,. 101. Modelli ritmici di riposo, e del Tesoro di Scales. Preparazione per le altre formazioni ed esperienze musicali. Nove pezzi pieno-band di Robert W. Smith e Michael Story. Ogni Edition Student include un CD registrato dal vivo con accompagnamento di strumenti autentici con canzoni che motivano gli studenti a praticare. I libri presentano interessanti interni a colori con facili da leggere le note. 'S Wonderful. Anchors Aweigh. Grande Municiple Band di Augie. Batte il tamburo All Day. Batman Theme. Catch A Falling Star. Celebrazione. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Doo Wah Diddy Diddy. Duca Luogo AKA C Jam Blues. Buon Natale. Cinque Piede Due, Occhi di Blue. Happy Birthday To You. La canzone Hey. I Got Rhythm. E non Mean A Thing. Jingle Bell Rock. Jingle Bells. Kookaburra siede nel Vecchio Gum Tree. Paraninfo. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down. Na Na Hey Hey. Baciarlo Addio. Laggiù. Over The Rainbow. Rhapsody in Blue. Reali fuochi d'artificio di musica. Satin Doll. Strumentale. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You. Estate. Sunrise, Sunset. The Chicken Dance. Theme from Castelli di ghiaccio. Theme From Jaws. Non c'è nessuno Esattamente Like Me. Winter Wonderland. Cancellare. Palla di Woodchopper. Palla di Woodchopper. C Version.I più richiesti