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Hirschfeld's British Aisles. Al Hirschfeld.


Di Hirschfeld britannico Aisles. Al Hirschfeld.


Hirschfeld's British Aisles applause Books. Softcover. 224 pages. Published by Applause Books. HL.314723. ISBN 1557836744. 8.5x11 inches. With commentary throughout by Julie Andrews, John Russell, Cameron Mackintosh, Simon Callow, Ralph Steadman, Michael Blakemore, Louise Kerz Hirschfeld, Tony Walton, Lynn Redgrave, Barry Humphries, Peter Shaffer, Julie Christie, Kevin Brownlow, Nicholas Wright, Mel Gussow, Sheridan Morley, and Al Hirschfeld. That Al Hirschfeld drew New York and that Hirschfeld drew Hollywood is hardly news. But it will come as a revelation to even the artist's most ardent fans that in the Hirschfeld archive over five hundred works are dedicated to his British subjects. Until Louise Kerz Hirschfeld connected all the dots, evidence of the artist's life-long Anglomania had remained dispersed among hundreds of portfolios in different locations. Mrs. Hirschfeld has convened the first-ever reunion of actors, directors, playwrights, politicians, publicans, musicians, enough to gloriously fill a new volume populated with nearly eight decades of Hirschfeld on Great Britain, or as we have come to think of it, Hirschfeld's British Aisles. Here are the fabled luminaries of the West End. Gielgud, Richardson, Olivier, Coward, Guinness, Scofield, captured in their moments of stage glory by the only recording device allowed in the theatre. Al Hirschfeld's pencil. Also includes Peter Ustinov, Gertrude Lawrence, Rex Harrison, Jeremy Irons, Julie Andrews, Jonathan Price, and others. Even Twiggy, the only human thinner than Hirschfeld's lines, makes an appearance.


Britannica navate applausi libri della Hirschfeld. Brossura. 224 pagine. Pubblicato da Applause Books. HL.314723. ISBN 1557836744. 8.5x11 pollici. Con il commento tutto da Julie Andrews, John Russell, Cameron Mackintosh, Simon Callow, Ralph Steadman, Michael Blakemore, Louise Kerz Hirschfeld, Tony Walton, Lynn Redgrave, Barry Humphries, Peter Shaffer, Julie Christie, Kevin Brownlow, Nicholas Wright, Mel Gussow, Sheridan Morley, e Al Hirschfeld. Che Al Hirschfeld ha New York e che ha attirato Hirschfeld Hollywood è una novità. Ma arriverà come una rivelazione anche per i fan più accaniti dell'artista che nell'archivio Hirschfeld oltre cinquecento opere sono dedicate ai suoi sudditi britannici. Fino Louise Kerz Hirschfeld collegato tutti i puntini, la prova di tutta la vita Anglomania l'artista era rimasto disperso tra centinaia di portafogli in luoghi diversi. La signora Hirschfeld ha convocato la prima volta reunion di attori, registi, drammaturghi, politici, pubblicani, musicisti, abbastanza per riempire gloriosamente un nuovo volume popolata da quasi otto decenni di Hirschfeld sulla Gran Bretagna, o come siamo venuti a pensarci bene , di Hirschfeld britannico Aisles. Qui ci sono i luminari leggendari del West End. Gielgud, Richardson, Olivier, Coward, Guinness, Scofield, catturato nei loro momenti di gloria tappa per l'unico dispositivo di registrazione consentito in teatro. Matita di Al Hirschfeld. Comprende anche Peter Ustinov, Gertrude Lawrence, Rex Harrison, Jeremy Irons, Julie Andrews, Jonathan Price e gli altri. Even Twiggy, the only human thinner than Hirschfeld's lines, makes an appearance.