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Library Of Children's Song Classics. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Beginning.Traduzione
Biblioteca del Canto Classics bambini. Piano, Voce, Chitarra foglio di musica. Foglio di musica vocale. Acoustic spartiti per chitarra. Inizio.Originale
Library Of Children's Song Classics edited by Amy Appleby and Liz Seelhoff Byrum. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Music Sales America. Children's and Folk. Difficulty. easy to easy-medium. Softcover. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names, illustrations and introductory text. 242 pages. Music Sales #AM90167. Published by Music Sales. HL.14019020. ISBN 0825613582. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names, illustrations and introductory text. Children's and Folk. 9x12 inches. An illustrated volume of storybook and holiday songs, lullabies, marches, and rounds. Easy-to-read lyrics, piano arrangments, and guitar chords. Includes. Simple Simon. Take Me Out to the Ballgame. This Old Man. and more. The Animal Song. Mister Rabbit. The Eency Weency Spider. I Had A Little Rooster. The Old Gray Mare. Three Little Kittens. Hark. Hark. The Dogs Do Bark. Baa, Baa Black Sheep. Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat. Ladybird, Ladybird, Fly Away Home. Two Little Dicky Birds. Ride A Cock-Horse. Oh Where, Oh Where has my Little Dog Gone. Froggy Went A-Courtin'. Glow Worm. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. Little Robin Redbreast. The Crawdad Song. I Love Little Pussy. This Little Pig Went To Market. Pop. Goes the Weasel. The Fox. Five Fat Turkeys. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. The Little Skunk. Little Boy Blue. Simple Simon. Little Tommy Tucker. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Handy Spandy. Jack Spratt. Humpty Dumpty. Lucy Locket. Doctor Foster. Little Jack Horner. The Muffin Man. Wee Willie Winkie. Little Miss Muffet. Jack And Jill. Old King Cole. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary. Little Bopeep. The Alphabet Song. This Old Man. The Seasons. B-I-N-G-O. One Finger, One Thumb, One Hand. There Were Ten In The Bed. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. A,B,C, Tumble Down D. Little Things. The Ants Came Marching. Oats, Peas, Beans And Barley Grow. Five Little Monkeys. Six Little Ducks. One, Two, Three, Four, Five. Ten Little Sailors. The Orchestra. The Calendar Song. The Hokey Pokey. Pat-A-Cake. Polly Put The Kettle On. She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain. A-Tisket, A-Tasket. The North Wind Doth Blow. What Care We. The King Of France. Turn Again, Whittington. Ring-a-Round O' Roses. Skip to My Lou. Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay. Oh Dear. What Can The Matter Be. Looby Loo. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. See-Saw, Margery Daw. The Grand Old Duke Of York. Peek-A-Boo. The Farmer in the Dell. Brother, Come And Dance With Me. Girls And Boys Come Out To Play. Knicky, Knicky, Knacky Noo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. Fiddle-De-Dee. The Paw-Paw Patch. Aiken Drum. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Michael Finnegan. There Was An Old Woman Tossed Up In A Basket. Hickory Dickory Dock. Diddle, Diddle Dumpling. Dear Old Daddy Whiskers. Rub-a-dub-dub. Pease Porridge Hot. Mother May I Go Out To Swim. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Down in the Valley. Moonlight Bay. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Scarborough Fair. The Riddle Song. Home on the Range. Home, Sweet Home. Music Everywhere. Lavender's Blue. Moon And Sun. Where Are You Going To, My Pretty Maid. Grandfather's Clock. Shenandoah. The Man In The Moon. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Hey Diddle Diddle. The Lost Doll. The Erie Canal. I Saw A Ship A-Sailing. King Arthur. Will You Walk A Little Faster. If all the World were Paper. Oh, Susanna. Sailing, Sailing. The Teddy Bears' Picnic. Toyland. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Golden Slumbers. All The Pretty Little Horses. Sweet and Low. Sleep And Rest. Dance To Your Daddy. Bedtime. Winkum, Winkum. Day And Night. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. All The World Is Sleeping. Now The Day Is Over. Rock The Cradle. All Through The Night. Hush, Little Baby. Brahms Lullaby. Come Away. Sweetly Sings The Donkey. Come, Let's Sing A Merry Round. Fruitful Fields Are Waving. O How Lovely Is The Evening. A Lame, Tame Crane. Hey Ho, Nobody's Home. Merrily, Merrily Greet The Morn. Dona Nobis Pacem. The Plumbtree. Over The Mountain. Who Comes Laughing. Now We'll Make The Rafters Ring. Thirty Days Hath September. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Love Your Neighbor. Sing Together Merrily. Scotland's Burning. My Goose And Thy Goose. White Sand, Grey Sand. If I Know What You Know. Jolly Round. Onward, Upward. White Coral Bells. Goodbye. Kumbaya. Alouette. London Bridge. Chiapanecas. Funiculi, Funicula. Cockles And Mussels. Au Clair de la Lune. O' Mein Lieber Augustin. Song of the Volga Boatmen. Tum-Balalayka. My Bonnie. We Will Rock You. On The Bridge At Avignon. Hatikvoh. On The First Thanksgiving Day. Over the River and Through the Woods. 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. Hanukkah Song. Christmas Is Coming. The Friendly Beasts. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Up on the Housetop. The Huron Indian Carol. Pat-a-Pan. Havah Nagilah. Away In A Manger. I Saw Three Ships. As Each Happy Christmas. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. O Christmas Tree. Yankee Doodle. America, the Beautiful. America. My Country 'tis Of Thee. The Red, White And Blue. Rally Round The Flag. Dixie. You're A Grand Old Flag. The Yankee Doodle Boy. The Star-Spangled Banner.Traduzione
Biblioteca del Canto classici per bambini a cura di Amy Appleby e Liz Seelhoff Byrum. Per Piano. Vocale. Chitarra. Musica Sales America. Bambini e Folk. Difficoltà. facile facile-medio. Brossura. Melodia vocale, accompagnamento di pianoforte, testi, nomi degli accordi, illustrazioni e testo introduttivo. 242 pagine. Музыка по продажам. Pubblicato da Music Sales. HL.14019020. ISBN 0825613582. Con melodia vocale, accompagnamento di pianoforte, testi, nomi degli accordi, illustrazioni e testo introduttivo. Bambini e Folk. 9x12 pollici. Un volume illustrato di fiabe e festività canzoni, ninne nanne, marce e turni. -Facile da leggere testi, arrangiamenti, pianoforte e accordi per chitarra. Include. Sempliciotto. Take Me Out alla pallacorda. This Old Man. e più. La canzone Animal. Signor Coniglio. Il Eency Weency Spider. I Had A Little Rooster. The Old Gray Mare. Three Little Kittens. Hark. Hark. The Dogs Do Bark. Baa, Baa Black Sheep. Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat. Ladybird, Ladybird, Fly Away Home. Due Poco Dicky uccelli. Giro A Cock-Horse. Oh dove, oh dove è andato il mio cagnolino. Froggy Went A-Courtin '. Glow Worm. L'Orso è andato oltre la montagna. Poco pettirosso. Il Crawdad canzone. Amo po 'di figa. This Little Pig Went To Market. Pop. Goes the Weasel. La Fox. Cinque Fat Tacchini. Old MacDonald aveva una fattoria. The Little Skunk. Little Boy Blue. Sempliciotto. Piccolo Tommy Tucker. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Handy Spandy. Jack Spratt. Humpty Dumpty. Lucy Locket. Medico Foster. Il piccolo Jack Horner. The Muffin Man. Wee Willie Winkie. Little Miss Muffet. Jack And Jill. Old King Cole. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary. Poco Bopeep. The Alphabet canzone. This Old Man. Le stagioni. B-I-N-G-O. Un dito, un pollice, una mano. Ci sono stati dieci nel Bed. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. A, B, C, D Tumble giù. Little Things. Le Ants Marching Came. Avena, piselli, fagioli e orzo crescono. Five Little Monkeys. Sei Little Ducks. Uno, Due, Tre, Quattro, Cinque. Ten Little Sailors. L'Orchestra. Il Calendario canzone. The Hokey Pokey. Pat-A-Cake. Polly mettere su l'acqua. Lei sarà Comin 'Round the Mountain. A-Tisket, A-Tasket. Il colpo North Wind Doth. Cosa Cura Noi. Il re di Francia. Girare Ancora una volta, Whittington. Ring-a Round-Roses O '. Skip to My Lou. Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay. Oh Dear. Cosa può fare il problema venga. Looby Loo. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. See-Saw, Margery Daw. Il Grand Old Duke Of York. Peek-A-Boo. Il Farmer in Dell. Fratello, Vieni a ballare con me. Ragazze e ragazzi vengono fuori a giocare. Knicky, Knicky, Knacky Noo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. Fiddle-de-Dee. Il Paw Paw-Patch. Aiken Drum. Canta una canzone Of Sixpence. Michael Finnegan. Non era una donna vecchia gettata Up In Un Cestino. Hickory Dickory Dock. Diddle, Diddle Polpetta. Dear Old papà Whiskers. Rub-a-dub-dub. Pease Porridge Hot. Mamma Che vado a nuotare. C'è un buco nel secchio. Down in the Valley. Moonlight Bay. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Scarborough Fair. The Riddle canzone. Mucche alla riscossa. Home, Sweet Home. Musica Ovunque. Blue Lavender. Luna E Sole. Where Are You Going To, My Pretty Maid. Orologio del nonno. Shenandoah. The Man In The Moon. Take Me Out To The Ball gioco. Hey Diddle Diddle. The Lost Doll. Il Canale Erie. Ho visto una nave a vela. Re Artù. Will si cammina un po 'più veloce. Se tutto il mondo fosse di carta. Oh, Susanna. Vela, Vela. Picnic I Teddy Bears '. Toyland. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Slumbers d'oro. Tutti i Pretty Little Horses. Sweet and Low. Sonno e del riposo. Dance to Your Daddy. Bedtime. Winkum, Winkum. Day And Night. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Tutto il mondo è Sleeping. Ora la giornata è finita. Rock The Cradle. All Through The Night. Hush, Little Baby. Brahms Lullaby. Come Away. Dolcemente Sings The Donkey. Vieni, Let Sing A Buon Rotondo. I campi fruttuosi sventolano. O come bella è la sera. Un Lame, Tame Crane. Hey Ho, Casa di Nobody. Allegramente, allegramente salutare il Morn. Dona Nobis Pacem. Il Plumbtree. Over The Mountain. Chi Viene Ridere. Ora faremo la Rafters anello. Trenta giorni ha settembre. Row, Row, Row tua barca. Ama il prossimo tuo. Cantare insieme Allegramente. Masterizzazione di Scozia. La mia oca e la tua Goose. White Sand, Grigio Sabbia. Se I Know What You Know. Jolly Rotondo. Onward, verso l'alto. Bianco Coral Bells. Arrivederci. Kumbaya. Allodola. London Bridge. Chiapanecas. Funiculi, Funicula. Vongole e cozze. Al chiaro di luna. O 'Mio caro Augustin. Cantico dei battellieri del Volga. Tum-balalayka. My Bonnie. We Will Rock You. Sul ponte di Avignone. Hatikvoh. Il primo giorno del Ringraziamento. Over the River e attraverso i boschi. 'Era la notte prima di Natale. Hanukkah Canzone. Natale si avvicina. The Friendly Beasts. Vi auguriamo un Buon Natale. Up on the Housetop. Il Huron indiano Carol. Pat-a-Pan. Havah Nagilah. Away In A Manger. I Saw Three Ships. Come ogni Happy Christmas. Ho sentito le campane il giorno di Natale. Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. O Christmas Tree. Yankee Doodle. America, the Beautiful. America. My Country 'Tis Of Thee. The Red, White And Blue. Rally Round The Flag. Marmitta. Sei una bandiera Grand Old. Il Yankee Doodle Boy. The Star-Spangled Banner.I più richiesti
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