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Ian Faraday. Andrew Oxspring. Hansel & Gretel - A Christmas Adaptation. Book, CD. Piano, Vocal & Guitar. PVG.


Ian Faraday. Andrew Oxspring. Hansel. Libro, CD. Pianoforte, Vocale. PVG.


Christmas musical for 7-11 years. KS2. Running time 60 minutes approx. Two abandoned children, the wickedest and funniest witch and step-mother you could imagine, a cottage with real 'chocolate-box' appeal, a flock of down-and-out birds, a gang of dim-witted bandits and a whole lot more go into the mix for this lively and entertaining take on a classic tale. Plot Summary. We begin in the family's poor cottage, where Hansel, Gretel and their father ponder the possibility of Christmas without any food. Their stepmother, on the other hand, can only moan that she needs a new fur coat, which she could have had if she'd done as her mother advised and married the wealthy Herbert Goldsworthy when she had the chance. song - The Happiest Time Of Year. When the children go to bed, she reveals to her husband a dastardly plan to take them deep into the forest and abandon them. song - What A Wicked Woman. Having overheard this plan, as they are led far from the cottage the next day, Hansel and Gretel leave a trail of breadcrumbs which they intend to follow home. Tired from their long walk, and alone in the forest, the two children fall asleep. As they doze a flock of hungry birds enters, complaining about the lack of worms, the meagre titbits being left by humans these days, and how their only opportunity for a feed might be to ambush a squirrel. song - Those Good Old Days. Noticing the breadcrumbs, however, they eat their fill, leaving the children no way of finding their way home. Next, Hansel and Gretel run into a bungling gang of robbers. song - Robbers' Tango. , who spot the opportunity to kidnap the children and ransom them for cash. However, their wits are no match for Gretel's, and she and her brother make a comical escape. They run deeper into the forest, where things get a little creepier, and talking trees warn them that 'this is no place for children. song - This Bad, Bad Place. Finally, exhausted and hungry, the children stumble across an enchanting cottage. song - The Gingerbread House. , built from every delicious confectionary imaginable. Encouraged by a curious group of goblins, they eat their fill, before being introduced to the owner of the cottage. At first this little old woman is welcoming, asking them to stay and rest, and eat as much as they can. However, she soon shows her true colours. Hansel is imprisoned while Gretel must 'force-feed' him in order to, as the old witch puts it, 'fatten him up' for the Christmas pot. song - Better Than One Is Two. As the wicked woman makes final preparations for her festive meal. song - Dinner At The Double. , it's down to the brave Gretel to once again save the day. Using her cunning and daring she literally 'closes the lid' on the old woman's dining plans and escapes with her brother. After a joyful reunion with their father, the children deservedly celebrate with the biggest, and tastiest, Christmas party ever. song - Happy Christmas.


Musicale di Natale per 7-11 anni. KS2. Tempo di esecuzione 60 minuti ca.. Two abandoned children, the wickedest and funniest witch and step-mother you could imagine, a cottage with real 'chocolate-box' appeal, a flock of down-and-out birds, a gang of dim-witted bandits and a whole lot more go into the mix for this lively and entertaining take on a classic tale. Riassunto della trama. We begin in the family's poor cottage, where Hansel, Gretel and their father ponder the possibility of Christmas without any food. La loro matrigna, d'altra parte, può gemere solo che ha bisogno di un nuovo cappotto di pelliccia, che lei avrebbe potuto avere se avesse fatto come sua madre consigliato e sposò il ricco Herbert Goldsworthy quando ha avuto la possibilità. song - The Happiest Time Of Year. Quando i bambini vanno a letto, rivela al marito un vile piano per portarli in profondità nella foresta e li abbandono. canzone - What A Wicked Woman. Dopo aver sentito questo piano, perché sono guidati dallo chalet del giorno successivo, Hansel e Gretel lasciare una scia di briciole di pane che intendono seguire casa. Stanchi della loro lunga passeggiata, e solo nella foresta, i due bambini si addormentano. Mentre sonnecchiano uno stormo di uccelli affamati entra, lamentando la mancanza di vermi, i bocconcini scarse lasciati dagli esseri umani in questi giorni, e di come la loro unica possibilità di alimentazione potrebbe essere quello di tendere un'imboscata uno scoiattolo. canzone - Quei Good Old Days. Notando il pangrattato, tuttavia, che mangiano a sazietà, lasciando i bambini c'è modo di trovare la loro strada di casa. Avanti, Hansel e Gretel imbattono in una banda di rapinatori bungling. Tango Robbers '- canzone. , Che individuare la possibilità di rapire i bambini e li taglia per contanti. Tuttavia, la loro intelligenza non sono partita per Gretel di, e lei e suo fratello fanno una fuga comico. Corrono più profondo nella foresta, dove le cose si fanno un po 'inquietante, e alberi parlanti li avvertono che' questo non è un posto per i bambini. canzone - Questo Bad, Bad Luogo. Infine, esausto e affamati, i bambini inciampare attraverso un incantevole casolare. canzone - The Gingerbread House. , Costruita da ogni deliziosa pasticceria immaginabile. Incoraggiato da un curioso gruppo di folletti, che mangiano a sazietà, prima di essere introdotto al proprietario del cottage. In un primo momento questa vecchietta è accogliente, chiedendo loro di rimanere e di riposo, e mangiare più possibile. Tuttavia, lei mostra presto i suoi veri colori. Hansel is imprisoned while Gretel must 'force-feed' him in order to, as the old witch puts it, 'fatten him up' for the Christmas pot. canzone - Better Than One Two. As the wicked woman makes final preparations for her festive meal. canzone - Dinner At The Double. , Si è scesi a coraggiosi Gretel per salvare ancora una volta il giorno. Usando la sua astuzia e il coraggio che letteralmente 'chiude il coperchio' sui piani di ristoro della vecchia e fugge con suo fratello. After a joyful reunion with their father, the children deservedly celebrate with the biggest, and tastiest, Christmas party ever. song - Happy Christmas.