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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano Pieces - Volume 2. Later Works. Sheet Music. Piano. PF. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Piano Pieces - Volume 2. Opere successive. Sheet Music. Piano. PF. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


As early as the age of four, Mozart amazed his father with his quickness of mind as regards Piano-playing. The first works are easy dance movements by the five-year-old who developed with extraordinary speed. During his lifetime, he created several Piano pieces, apart from the sonatas and variations. The pieces from his youth, most of them written down in the music book for Maria Anna Mozart and in the so-called London sketch book, are mostly short dance movements, but there are already lengthy individual movements as well. From the mid-1770s, there are mainly larger individual works, including fantasias and rondos which can stand as equals to the sonatas and variations of the Viennese period. Volume 2 contains the mature works from the later years of composition, including the popular fantasias and rondos as well as several sonata form drafts completed by comtemporaries of Mozart. In addition, the present edition contains solo piano versions of the Concert Rondo K 382, the rondo from the Duo for Violin and Viola K 423, as well as the overture of the 'Abduction from the Seraglio'.


Già all'età di quattro anni, Mozart stupito il padre con la sua prontezza di spirito per quanto riguarda Piano-playing. Le prime opere sono movimenti di danza facili da cinque anni che ha sviluppato con straordinaria rapidità. Durante la sua vita, ha creato molti pezzi per pianoforte, a parte le sonate e variazioni. I pezzi della sua giovinezza, la maggior parte di esse svalutate nel libro musica per Maria Anna Mozart e nel cosiddetto book London schizzo, sono movimenti di danza per lo più brevi, ma ci sono già lunghe singoli movimenti, così. Dalla metà degli anni 1770, ci sono principalmente grandi opere individuali, tra cui fantasie e rondò, che possono stare in piedi come uguali alle sonate e variazioni del periodo viennese. Volume 2 contains the mature works from the later years of composition, including the popular fantasias and rondos as well as several sonata form drafts completed by comtemporaries of Mozart. In addition, the present edition contains solo piano versions of the Concert Rondo K 382, the rondo from the Duo for Violin and Viola K 423, as well as the overture of the 'Abduction from the Seraglio'.