
Testo: Barbara Dickson. Spend Spend Spend. Pieces Of Me.

Viv : Look at me now
I'm broken in two
Shattered and battered,
Bitter and blue.
Here come the vultures
They wanna dine,
All stood in line for
Pieces of me.
Now there are guys
Dressed up in their suits.
Spelling out trouble
Legal disputes,
Look at 'em gather
They're all the same
All got a claim on
Pieces of me...

Chorus : Ev'rybody wants a piece of the action,
Ev'rybody wants a slice of the cake.
Ev'rybody will demand satisfaction,
Ev'rybody's on the make.

Ev'rybody wants a lend of a shilling,
Ev'rybody wants a shake of the stick.
Ev'rybody will be making a killing,
Everybody's on the nick.

Viv : Some lying tart from way back said Keith owed her child maintenance.

Tart : Keith took advantage of me,
Put me in the fam'ly way.
Left me to rear his baby,
Now you're gonna bleeding pay!

Young Viv : Tha' lying cow! Tha's had more pricks than a pin cushion!

Tart : Now you're gonna bleeding pay!

Viv : An' his family took a private action against me 'cos his uncle Frank died
in crash an' all.

Mum/Dad : Uncle's dead
We're grieving too.
But compensate us,
We'll pull through

Viv: Distant relations
Look at 'em come.
Sniffin' around for
One little crumb.

Young Viv : Who are you?!
Grandad : I raised Keith
Just like a son.
Now he's gone
And I've got none.

George/Mother : Two rooms
They've emptied out two rooms

Viv : Even local council were on the scrounge.

Council Man : The council wants
Some recompense.
His car destroyed
Municipal fencing.
Municipal fencing.

Viv : A little bit here
A little bit there.
That's how they tear off
Pieces of me.
Yes and so it hurts
Now I'm alone
Picked to the bone.
Nowt left to show,
I watch them go.
Pieces of me.

Tart : Keith took advantage of me
Put me in the family way.
Left me to rear his baby.
Now you're gonna bleedin' pay!

Mum/Dad : Uncle's dead
We're grieving too.
But compensate us
We'll pull through.

Grandad : I raised Keith
Just like a son,
Now he's gone
And I've got none.

Council Man : The council wants
Some recompense.
His car destroyed
Municipal fencing.

Viv/Chorus : Ev'rybody wants a piece of the action,
Ev'rybody wants a slice of the cake.
Ev'rybody will demand satisfaction,
Ev'rybody's on the make.

Viv : Here for the will,
The world and his wife.
People I've hardly,
Seen in me life.
Out of the woodwork
Look at 'em crawl
Grabbing at all the
Piece of me
Pieces of me