Testo: Charlotte Church. The Flower Duet.
Dome Epais (from Lakme)
Sous le dome epais, ou le blanc jasmin
A la rose s?assemble,
Sur la rive en fleurs riant au matin,
Viens, descendons ensemble.
Doucement glissons
De son flot charmant
Suivons le courant fuyant:
Dans l?on de fremissante,
D?une main nonchalante,
Viens, gagnons le bord,
Ou la source dort
Et l?oiseau, l?oiseau chante.
Sous le dome epais,
Sous le blanc jasmin,
Ah! descendons ensemble!
Mais, je ne sais quelle crainte subite,
S?empare de moi,
Quand mon pere va seul a leur ville maudite;
Je tremble, je tremble d?effroi!
Pour que le Dieu Ganeca le protege,
Jusqu?a l?etang ou s?ebattent joyeux
Les cygnes aux ailes de neige,
Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.
Oui, pres des cygnes aux ailles de neige,
Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.
Flower Duet
Under the thick dome, where the white jasmine
Assembles at the rose,
On the river of flowers, laughing in the morning.
Come, let's descend together.
Gently, let's slip
Around its charming flood.
Let's follow the fleeing current:
In one trembling hand,
One nonchalant,
Come, let's find the bank
Where the source sleeps.
And the bird, the bird sings.
Under the thick dome,
Under the white jasmine,
Let's descend together.
But, I don't know what sudden fear
seizes me,
When my father goes alone to their cursed city;
I tremble, I tremble from fear.
So that the God Ganesha protects him,
Until the pond where swans with snow-white wings
play together joyously.
Let's go pick blue lotuses.
Yes, near swans with snow-white wings,
Let's pick blue lotuses
Dome Epais (from Lakme)
Sous le dome epais, ou le blanc jasmin
A la rose s?assemble,
Sur la rive en fleurs riant au matin,
Viens, descendons ensemble.
Doucement glissons
De son flot charmant
Suivons le courant fuyant:
Dans l?on de fremissante,
D?une main nonchalante,
Viens, gagnons le bord,
Ou la source dort
Et l?oiseau, l?oiseau chante.
Sous le dome epais,
Sous le blanc jasmin,
Ah! descendons ensemble!
Mais, je ne sais quelle crainte subite,
S?empare de moi,
Quand mon pere va seul a leur ville maudite;
Je tremble, je tremble d?effroi!
Pour que le Dieu Ganeca le protege,
Jusqu?a l?etang ou s?ebattent joyeux
Les cygnes aux ailes de neige,
Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.
Oui, pres des cygnes aux ailles de neige,
Allons cueillir les lotus bleus.
Flower Duet
Under the thick dome, where the white jasmine
Assembles at the rose,
On the river of flowers, laughing in the morning.
Come, let's descend together.
Gently, let's slip
Around its charming flood.
Let's follow the fleeing current:
In one trembling hand,
One nonchalant,
Come, let's find the bank
Where the source sleeps.
And the bird, the bird sings.
Under the thick dome,
Under the white jasmine,
Let's descend together.
But, I don't know what sudden fear
seizes me,
When my father goes alone to their cursed city;
I tremble, I tremble from fear.
So that the God Ganesha protects him,
Until the pond where swans with snow-white wings
play together joyously.
Let's go pick blue lotuses.
Yes, near swans with snow-white wings,
Let's pick blue lotuses
Charlotte Church
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