
Testo: Kinks. Clichés of The World.

Sunset over the high-rise
By a motorway
A little man looks up at the sky
An uneventful end to a wasted day

Close-up of the man at the window
Looking at the street down below
It's obvious he's got things on his mind
He shakes his head, pulls down the blind

He starts writing a letter
To make it perfectly clear
He's just a man who's reached the end of his rope
Expressing his doubts and his fears

In a world, feels so lonely and afraid
And disillusioned by the promises they made
It's a pity that it ended up this way
Life is just a cliche

I'm gonna do tomorrow
What I did yesterday
It's such a dull routine, somebody cut this scene
It's such a boring cliche

Live life, day to day
Seems so passe
Everything you hear and say
Just another cliche

Like an actor on a movie screen
Living out somebody else's dream
Living out a total misconception
Reality, a false perception

It's such a wasted life
Without any conclusion

Days drift into days
Life just slips away
People so blase
Everything's a cliche

Yes, it is
Yes, it is
Just an illusion
Just an illusion

Moonlight over the high-rise
At the end of the day
The little man is asleep in his bed
Tucked up, safely away

In his dreams he's taken away by alien beings
To another galaxy, deep in space
To a planet where a man can live out his fantasies
And experience unimaginable pleasures

But morning comes and soon the realities of life
Will shatter his illusions
And the cliches of the world will bring him down
But still he's waiting for a change

Days drift into days
Life just slips away
Everything is passe
Everything's a cliche

Yes, it is
Yes, it is
It's just an illusion
It's just an illusion

Yes, it is
Yes, it is

See the sunlight over the motorway
The little man, with anger in his eyes
Stands by the window, looks at the sky