
Testo: Locked In A Vacancy. Exit The Futility Ward. The Fine Art Of Self Segregation.

Transcend their teachings hypocrisy ignored bigotry ingrained without a thought as to the cause

See the college campus
encourage separate dorms
ethnic specific, ?to unify?
Jim Crow would feel at home

See the house of worship Doors open to all So long as your likeness conforms to those within its walls

So-called institutions of higher learning and praise inspire animosity
and mistrust amongst the race

Generations lost fall in sync to perpetuate the lies of their elders
this new-found normalcy But...

I will circumvent Stifle the downward spiral The mentally constipated must learn to accept:

If divided we stand, then united we?ll fall!

Into their trap stratagem of old:
?divide and conquer.? That is their way
We won?t comply

All is not for naught we will teach
what we?ve been taught So much more can be derived from fraternizing with those unlike yourself -why would you limit yourself?

Reject the ignorance Multi-culturalism
the dream of our forefathers must not be forgotten

Those who fought Those who died
Who paved the way for us to try
To integrate not separate see what?s within not melanin And all the churches
and universities must stand against
this disease

All is not for naught we will teach
what we?ve been taught
Locked In A Vacancy