
Testo: Tina Dico. Magic.

I don't do this sort of thing, I said
As he leaned in and ran his fingers through my hair
I could tell he didn't believe me
And I could tell from his sweet smile
he didn't care

He slipped his hand under my skirt
and for a moment I looked deep
into his eyes
I didn't see much in there apart from
an emptiness I sadly recognized

Let me take you far away from here, he said
I know some magic that is sure to pick you up
I thought of me alone in my cold hotel bed
and I said, yeah, well, why not

He took me back to where he lives
we had a drink and made attempts to conversate
But none of us felt much like talking
about the lives that we were there to escape

And so he lay me on the bed
and we undressed as street lights sliced us through the blinds
His skin felt warm against my body,
but my body couldn't hold onto my mind

I drifted far away above this stranger's room
My thoughts got lost in crowded streets of yesterday
Until he stopped...
And asked if he had come too soon
I shook my head and turned away

We lay a little while in silence...
Until I got up, got dressed and washed with cold water in my face
I better go, I said politely
I don't usually stay out this late