my heart with hate, The dark man has came, positive feelings have been slain, SLAIN... There's no more hope for this world, despair is what remains, A
need - a sexual greed The again I seek - hate kills the weak I'm so selfish - my needs are great You give, I take - do you believe in fate? A sexual lust - a
Religious fanatics brainwashed scum Manipulated children turned into bombs Suicide commandos for what cause ? 'coz thy kingdom will not come
gigs With an A on their backs The A stands for arrogance 'coz respect they surely lack I watch them at our gigs With an e on their jacks The E stands for
gigs With an A on their backs The A stands for arrogance 'coz respect they surely lackI watch them at our gigs With an e on their jacks The E stands for