[I.] Tuokaa meille naaras Repiakseen reisiansa Ruhjottuja raajojansa Etsien halpaa kuolema a Hyva on sydan meilla Sen joku pysayttaa mut ei viela Monta
[I.] Tuokaa meille naaras RepiA¤kseen reisiA¤nsA¤ Ruhjottuja raajojansa Etsien halpaa kuolema a HyvA¤ on sydA¤n meillA¤ Sen joku pysA¤yttA¤A¤ mut ei
[I.] Sortajan kaipuu Unohduksen sylihin Siella on liha Saastunut liha Sen tapan, Kiellan, Ja makaan Kun kiellan sen veren Himosi laupean Sen sokeudessa
The news was told And it was sad Truth always hurts This game of love will break you Now you told me how It didn't work But maybe will someday soon
There's no hope left You're so hopeless And your time's left Or at least it's leaving Like your girl left You're so girl-less And your excuses Will not
You're perfect No defects So lovely Come slowly The kindness You've offered My blindness Has altered Will you hold my hand Will you kiss me and Pinky
I wasn't looking at the ocean this time as we watched the waves eroding the shoreline No, I was looking at the sparkles in her eyes I was looking at
Two long years we made it through anguish and love it was just me and you as we sit here and talk I can see through your eyes the love that you had is
I sit alone thinking of you All I want is to hold your hand I dread the thought of separation Your presence makes me calm I hope what's been said is
[I.] Sortajan kaipuu Unohduksen sylihin SiellA¤ on liha Saastunut liha Sen tapan, KiellA¤n, Ja makaan Kun kiellA¤n sen veren Himosi laupean Sen sokeudessa