(Lyrics: Gold / Music: Gold-Bloss) We must have played For more than ten years We must have thought That we're immortal Shame, shame on us, Ah little
(Lyrics: Janey Diamond / Music: Gold-Bloss) He is sitting on a hill A vapid night is crawling through the vale The trees are fangs of transiency The
(Lyrics: Janey Diamond / Music: Gold-Bloss) If the audience was listening When the curtains rise again If I knew what's going on, just a part of your
(Lyrics: traditional / Music: Gold-Bloss) Oh, magnum mysterium et admirabile sacramentum
(Lyrics: M. Michel Nostredame / Music: Gold-Bloss) Estant assis de nuict secret estude Seul repose sur la selle d'aerain: Flambe exigue sortant de sollitude
(Lyrics: Janey Diamond/music: Gold-Bloss) The coffee black and nearly cold And i look back while hours pass by A sheet of paper on the table torn to
(Lyrics: Gold/music: Michael Lehnhoff) Kind of thunder from my heart Flooding my eyes Kind of armies marching Through my head Sombre soldiers From nowhere
(Lyrics: Gold-Rupert Hine / Music: Gold-Bloss) We can change the world... The difference is in the way... The difference is in the way we are as people
(Lyrics: Gold / Music: Gold-Bloss) Caroline says Are you really sure that you know me I never met you before, can I trust you But she's never cautious
(Lyrics: Janey Diamond / Music: Gold-Bloss-Lloyd) So you hugged the globe Now it's whirling too fast I really got no hope to hang on to the past The
(Lyrics: Gold / Music: Gold-Lloyd-Mertens) Let's dance in style, lets dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the
(Lyrics: Gold-Janey Diamond / Music: Gold-Bloss-Echolette) I sleep between the gates of night, in a no man's land Always closer than you think, a kind
(Lyrics: Gold/music: Gold-Lloyd-Mertens) It's the start of the season The dawning is near The age of fish ends announcing the news of the year The tiger
God, i was so naive! When you're on the show, You've got to shoot not to sing Wasn't it worth anyway 12 years, 6 were good, 6 were bad 20.000 songs in