I hope the things that ive done have not made you want to run away cuz baby i feel like this could be my chance to open up and unlock this cage of the
know ive been waiting so patiently for you to come down from that pedastal youve been standing on for so long, for so long ive got to make my move and
got me hanging on a whim baby, you know why i've been acting crazy (2x) I just wanted you, I just wanted you. Long nights sitting in my car nothing but the radio and
if you didn't show yourself your true colors the ones you've shown me. So what that i qoute lil wayne you wake up and always feel the same theres nothing
vision was blurred, i dont know what disturbed the view i had in my world but you came along, and inspired this song, this song i sing for you girl. Where and
've spent many lonely nights, countless hours that I write infront of this computer sceen thats probably tired of seeing me I do it cause i love her and