someone... Barry: It feels just like a dream We were such a winning team Oh I'm sure it's true that love is blind Cause leavin' never crossed my mind Barry
I've been tryin for hour just to think of what exactly to say I thought I leave you with a letter or a firey speech like when an actor makes an exit
Doctor, my woman is comin' back home late today Could ya' maybe give me something? 'cause the feelin' is gone and I must get it back right away Before
I don't believe my eyes ,what have I seen looking like you walked out of a magazine oh, everyone's stopped and starin' at the door go on you know you
I remember all my life Raining down as cold as ice. Shadows of a man, A face through a window cryin' in the night, The night goes into Morning just another
Singing to the world Its time we let the spirt come in Let it come on in I'm singing to the world Everybody's caught in the spin Look at where we've
When my heart is torn apart By love I wish I had Well I spend my nights in the city's lights And things don't seem so bad You know the movement seems
Spirit move me every time I"m near you Whirling like a cyclone in my mind Sweet Melissa, angel of my life time, Answer to all answers I can find Baby
Time, you found time enough to love And I found love enough to hold you So tonight I'll stir the fire you feel inside Until the flames of love enfold
Even Now When there's someone else who cares When there's someone home who's waiting just for me Even now I think about you as I'm climbing up the stairs
Well not to long ago in 1944 When every mothers son was goin' off to war They had to lift there spirits high For Uncle Sam ,mother hood and apple pie
All the time I thought There's only me Crazy in a way That no one else could be I would have given everything I own If someone would have said you're
You wouldn't believe where I've been The city and towns I been in From Boston to Denver And every town in between The people they all look the same
This one will never sell They'll never understand I don't even sing it well I try but I just can't But I sing it every night And I fight to keep it in
Last night I wave goodbye Now its seems years I'm back in the city Where nothing is clear But thoughts of me holding you Bringing us near And tell me
Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there She would merengue and do the cha-cha And while
I've been alive forever And I wrote the very first song I put the words and the melodies together I am music And I write the songs [Chorus:] I write
You remind me I live in a shell, Safe from the past, and doing' okay, but not very well. No jolts, no surprises, No crisis arises: My life goes along