y mi musica me dieron un lapiz y papel cerebro lavado! - respeta el terco cerebro lavado! - en nombre de lal ey cerebro lavado! - soy mejor que vos cerebro - cerebro lavado
mi musica me dieron un lapiz y papel cerebro lavado! - respeta el terco cerebro lavado! - en nombre de lal ey cerebro lavado! - soy mejor que vos cerebro - cerebro lavado
You're now in detention you couldn't pay attendtion be a good man kissing ass is the way Brainwashed, brainwashed respect the tie and suit brainwashed
You're now in detention You couldn't pay attention Be a good man Kissing ass is the way Brainwashed, brainwashed Respect the tie and suit Brainwashed
: You're now in detention you couldn't pay attendtion be a good man kissing ass is the way Brainwashed, brainwashed respect the tie and suit brainwashed