Due parole ci bastavano, Per volerci ancora un po Tu ridevi e stavi tra le nuvole Ti facevi spazio in mezzo al soffice La mia bocca sempre a dare fine
the Champions"] We are the champions, my friend And we'll keep on fighting, to the end We are the champions, we are the champions No time for losers /
Komm, nenn es n Comeback / Du Chiefjackson willst Beef - Ihh, Plibi und M-eazy kundigen dein Job als MC, und besorgen dir einen bei Zomtek / Komm schon
[Chorus:] champion lord! i creep upon n'e-yah slow angel and heaven the right ones those to kill for! champions e-yion looking how my car shine look
: Due parole ci bastavano, Per volerci ancora un po Tu ridevi e stavi tra le nuvole Ti facevi spazio in mezzo al soffice La mia bocca sempre a dare
: [Chorus:] champion lord! i creep upon n'e-yah slow angel and heaven the right ones those to kill for! champions e-yion looking how my car shine look