Murderer! Man of fire. Murderer! I've seen the eyes of living dead. It's the same game - survival. The great mass play a waiting game. Embalmed, crippled
Fortune presents gifts not according to the book Fortune presents gifts not according to the book When you expect whistles it's flutes When you expect
Al jorn del judici Parra qui haura fet servici Un rei vendra perpetual Vestit de nostra carn mortal Del cel vindra tot certament Per fer del segle jutjament
Murderer, man of fire Murderer I've seen the eyes of living dead It's the same game, survival The great mass play a waiting game Embalmed, crippled,
: Al jorn del judici Parra qui haura fet servici Un rei vendra perpetual Vestit de nostra carn mortal Del cel vindra tot certament Per fer del segle
: Murderer! Man of fire. Murderer! I've seen the eyes of living dead. It's the same game - survival. The great mass play a waiting game. Embalmed, crippled
: Fortune presents gifts not according to the book Fortune presents gifts not according to the book When you expect whistles it's flutes When you expect