futuro pianificato qualcuno capiva quanto quel gioco fosse sbagliato e se non giocavi eri un outsider magari sognavi l'hip hop e gli States Michael
"And now a buffoon's meeting with the dean of admissions at a prestigious college." Dean: "Well Michael, I would like to extend my warmest congradulations
La verite tu la sais C'est que les blancs ne savent pas danser Le seul blanc qui sait danser C'est Michael Jackson ! Refrain : On dit que les blancs
ein Klingelton. Verdammt ich langweile mich, wo zum Teufel bleibt die Action? Bei euch starb Kurt Cobain, bei uns ein bleicher Michael Jackson. Wir wollen
some dates with my Butterbeer Out of my head? Or maybe was it just me Or did Ginny just say I?m just going to talk to Michael Corner She left me for Dean
Fame! I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna learn how to fly, High! I feel it coming together, People will see me and cry Fame! I'm going to make
chic one star four owner shagged out chic one star four owner shagged out chic one star four owner shagged out chic one star four owner shagged out chic You're a cocksucker Michael
Mention the Lord of the Rings Just once more And I'll more than likely kill you "Moorcock, Moorcock, Michael, Moorcock" you fervently moan. Is this a
out, here I come!" "Michael Jackson ... look what you've done!" MICHAEL JACKSON "You've spattered mud all over my dress with your old bicycle!" PAUL MCCARTNEY AND MICHAEL