BEOTCH! Chorus: {sung} Earl, that's yo' life Ooohhhhh Earl, that's yo' life Earl, that's yo' life Ooohhhhh Earl, that's yo' liii-iiii-iiii-iiii-iife [E-40
(feat. Ice-T) [Chorus:] Ex D-Boy used to sell that girl Now they know my name all across the world They say EARL! [x2] [repeat] [E-40:] I'm from Vallejo
They say Earl, Earl, they say Earl, Earl Ex D-Boy used to sell that girl Now they know my name all across the world They say Earl, Earl, they say Earl, Earl
Diamonds on my wrists and shit, you can't stop e-feezy beotch Earl, that's yo' life Oh Earl, that's yo' life Earl, that's yo' life Oh Earl, that's yo
Traduzione: E-40. Earl Così è la vita Yo '.