calla,calla no pienses ni siqueria en algo nuestro no tienes derecho a pensar ni tu eres la princesa de un cuento,ni yo, soy el tipico don juan por eso calle
algo nuestro no tienes derecho a pensar ni tu eres la princesa de un cuento,ni yo, soy el tipico don juan por eso calle, por eso calla,por eso calla...
es quince de abril dices que me hechas de menos y yo me quiero reir que le voy ha hacer,si el pasado nunca vuelve [coro] Toda la noche en calle,bis cuando
Last call Last call Gotta move Better get your gear New sounds New grounds New rounds to be taken So let hardcore rule Join the crew of rambling bruisers
nunca vas a entender que hacen y desde lejos las ganas de seguir probando otra vez,ya no se quien me esta hablando quien me esta hablando esta vez las calles
Went to the pound, got me a dog; I won't forget the day I brought her home, she wagged her tail and she began to play Dig a hole, dig a hole Dig a hole
(with Full Swing) The night is glamorous The weekend is ahead of us And we're ready for it honey Big Fun And we're ready for it honey Big Fun Well
there was no other BARRY: Why'd we let it go Down on the avenue, You can forget your name BOTH: Paint pretty pictures, False and true BARRY: Picture
(with Tom Scott) See I flew in from the West Coast Just the other day. Yes, I flew in from the West Coast and we circled J.F.K. The movie ended and
(with Kid Creole & the Coconuts) BARRY: Nobody knew who he really was But they called him Mambo when he played KID CREOLE: He became the King King of
these three words that I must say to you I just called to say I love you I just called to say how much I care I just called to say I love you And I mean
Grab your coat don't forget your hat we'll leave your worries leave them on the doorstep my sweet just direct your feet to the sun, sunny side
Love slips away and we move on Night becomes the dawn Words tear us up just like a storm Now love is gone leaving us strangers The morning sky fills
(with Gerry Mulligan) One more time As we lie by the firelight Let me hold you Til you have to go away Don't let it end Let me pretend you'll stay
(with Uncle Festive) And now the purple dusk of twilight time Steals across the meadows of my heart High up in the sky the little stars climb Always
Let's go, ready or no Let's take a chance Let's go, ready or no Come on let's dance Gold from long ago Savoy-The home of sweet romance Savoy-It wins