Horror atque terror Quid faciebas, malefice Dies irae, dies ille Solvet saeculum in favillam. Lost in the garden, with the blood on my hands, Captive
"O solitude, my sweetest choice... Places devoted to the night, Remote from tumult and from noise, How ye my restless thoughts delight... O solitude!
From your embrace Where sleeps an eternal Night, Let me emerge and sing this Elendian plaint, For all the pearls have vanished that shone before. Teach
Kiss my lips forlorn and dwell in me As I lie departed in the cathedral of your tears. And let all my people know that Hope died this night For all your
"Lost in a dream... Drowning in the eyes Of a statue who dreamt a little dream of me... Incipiunt hic tenebrarum lectiones secundae, Cum Lucifer receptaculum
Moon in its curse. Lacerate the heavens, devour the Sun, rape the light. We are waiting for an eternal night Where to keep Heaven's tears away from the
delights will enrapture my soul to insanity. Rapturous elevation frightening the God of Light. I was made the Morningstar, Embowered from the night...
Lamentorum tuorum error cordes nostra refrigerat, Lacrimarum tuarum tener ros adustiones mitigat... Stella diurna, caelum tuam lucem continere non protest
my words of pain. The veil of the night falls at our feet, Revealing the views of the fiery sky. Kyrie eleison. The gentle sapphirian night wrapped me