I have some bad news for you." Everlast: "What are you talkin' about?" Doctor: "It would appear that one of the bullets grazed your spine, and damaged the cord." Everlast
On behalf of Pan Am Airlines, we'd like to be the first To welcome you to New York City We'd like to thank you for flying Pan Am The local time is 6:45
afraid I have some bad news for you." Everlast: "What are you talkin' about?" Doctor: "It would appear that one of the bullets grazed your spine, and damaged the cord." Everlast
Traduzione: Everlast. Painkillers.
m afraid I have some bad news for you. Everlast: What are you talkin' about? Doctor: It would appear that one of the bullets grazed your spine and damaged the cord. Everlast