Tidal wave! Blood and black, the second sinner dreams today... Dying waters, pregnant darkness, and there will be strange events in theskiesintheskiesinthe
Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and cursed shall be the fruit of thy land, Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be
No matter how our paradise is shaped No matter what, there will always be a certain snake A certain tree that none can resist Eat now! So that I can
Lo! A new angel has come to spread his wings, a great swarm of plagues to collect our sins, even now shall they surrender... to the power of the dog
Circle of eyes, ball of judgement Doomed to seek those broken lands Circles... wheels of dry eyes Released to embitter the sweetest of secrets Lead
Across the qlipha burst and break Descend into formation ye inverted Creack and shatter what lieth ye ahead Pour forth as blind madness to bind the
Qui tollis perrata mundi Agnus Dei, Son of man See me not for your eyes are pain Do not force me to stab you again For I envy every wound on your
In manus tuas, Domine, commendu spiritum meum Redemisti me, Domine Deus veritatis Dele iniquitatem meam Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea, et a perrato
Shine through me Satan Yes, live now through this tool of yours Live through me, O seditious star, and like a thousand suns shall I spread thy light
Again I entreat thee, dazzling one, to once again embellish this quenchless soul Redeeming curse, painful splendour impregnate The light of utmost
Build in me, O LORD! and once again grant me Light, to fill this human void, Yes, chasten me with Sight! I speak wounds, and my blood is a tune of Death
Panic, hysteria, infernally raging chaos Salvation through destruction Cold black sun of hope Darkness Your star lies cold Blindness Blood and
Immaculate, flawless pride, the accuser of their brethren has accused again, an unerring throw of guilt without sin... To and fro, up and down. Infallible
The sources of life are bleeding The wretch you call God has failed Feel the presence of evil The winds of salvation unleashed Bringer of terror Behold
Numbered, weighed, and found wanting... A white stone and a new name, at peace with the lord and freed from blame, all debts remitted, thy should washed
light Naked trees like they always been dead Eternal curse Dreams have told me, dreams have shown The beauty of this place Death and darkness, funeral mist
Appear! O catastrophe god For thee only shall I breathe again Thou beast and angel, intimate foe of all Forgive me not for I have sinned Angel of
Spill forth! Kings shall fall...down before him, as the blood stiffens, His praise all people sing: Spill forth thine respendence! and let thy rampant