Old rusty chains embrace me Morning appears like a pebble in my shoe Summer has gone and blood is by the sun Summer has gone By a 21 inches sun Merciless
Second hand dreams Faded like an old film scene Troubled the sleep And filled her eyes Of blood-coloured tears Made her laugh hysterically She looked
Can you bury the light inside? Can you stop what moves the earth clockwise? Can you make me feel bright? Then tonight I'll kill the day Let it be, what
like a flower Hypnotic perfume kills me Oh please help me, I can't resist, I want... Castles in the air They're so easy to take refuge in Fungus fantasia
Red grass is growing up all around me And above there is a black sky without weight my life is flat, it is an arduous stair 5 poles my world, my perception
Give me a limpid light And I'll believe in you Pretending to be real And safe behind your "cruci-fiction" What do you say? What you say makes me sick
How many purple leaves Fall down at the ground during winter How many green and yellow leaves Slides up to my eyes Slips in my heart How many dry leaves
By now I can steal Neither another minute of life To explain, speak and describe I am weak, too weak To become me strong To motivate me, to live anymore
Every day flows As alive oil which Soupy and grim It approaches and observes But doesn't talk Doesn't answer back Doesn't act And doesn't understand
I can't remain anymore to hear you scream My head explodes 'Cause God's too big to stay inside If only i could eat and hold you inside me I don't hear
"I hear voices inwrought in my head (Shell of mt hallucinations) Sweet mushrooms of salvation Squeeze the odds I evaporate in daze The hoop of hovering
In the deep of spiral walls the meaning mushroom lives alone The door is closed and there's no key an idiot god eternal sleep 30 years and a thousand