The heroes are silent money brings power The heroes are deaf money lights the way The heroes are resting Money is peace My crime is to die My crime
Pessoas malignas fazem a revolucao Para a escuridao triunfar Sinto-me invadido por sua forca Grandes calafrios cortam minhas visceras Meu espirito
portoes suicidas Levianos homens que dizem blasfemias Pedirao perdao na garganta do Inferno Estamos em marcha sob olhar de Sata Ruinas deixadas sao a marca de Korzus
Buried alive suffering day by day The black forces in your own hell's throat Death's shout paralyses your sense Pleasure in suffering cries out for blood
The end resistence arrived It can't be changed anymore The black night comes to warm Her belly cames the sin His soul is his power The damned return
Condemned To live in hell No limits, no barriers When hatred Touches you soul In the shadow of desolatuion So much suffering So much disunion The control
On the skin Of the misery Suffering hard until you die On the peak Of the fear The end isn't pain Lose or live Run or stay A bunch of blinds Don't see
A gente nao sabemos escolher presidente A gente nao sabemos tomar conta da gente A gente nao sabemos nem escovar os dentes Tem gringo pensando que
Esta na hora de rompermos todas as barreiras Nem trovoes nem tempestades mudarao nossos passos Faremos da realidade o metal pesado E ninguem vai conseguir
You get mad It's terrible waste Hate is burried In your chest The screams are face to face Guilty Silence Terror And blood The screams Of vitims Echo
When you don't sleep in the cold When you don't steal to eat There are many children Living in the streets A man-child who knows the ropes A man-child
Pelo odio de seu senhor Simples mortais clamam por perdao Agora acreditam na adaga de fogo Nas mao de Lucifer mestre do Mal Das tumbas malditas levantam
Sold men humanity dressed itself in pain Sheep manipulated by evil minds They accept the rules destroy them Surround by walls I feel death What can I
Your memory confuses Past, present and future Their money poisons their dignity how many more are there like you An acid jacket will be your present
A weak mind in search of pity His brain is erupting A young face ready to be betrayed Alone, depressed, internally destroyed He never tried to fight
Mentes atomicas que desafiam o sistema Ditam as regras do inferno nuclear Sao eles os demonios da eterna maldicao Encarnados em reis de imperios mortais
You fool yourself you lie to yourself The price is high and painful you pay for what they make you believe you pay for what you believe They promise
Na escuridao o assassino caminha Procurando pessoas com as almas perdidas Para satisfazer seus maniacos desejos E continuar o que ja comecou No meio