miles just to survive, 5000 miles Today, I've got nothing to lose I could go wherever I wanted to Leave, jump onto the world As it's spinning 'round going down Taking me along for the ride
survive, 5000 miles Today I've got nothing to lose I could go wherever I wanted to Leave, jump onto the world As it's spinning 'round, going down Taking me along for the ride For the ride
, 5000 miles Today I've got nothing to lose I could go wherever I wanted to Leave, jump onto the world As it's spinning 'round going down Taking me along for the ride For the ride
just to survive, 5000 miles Today, I've got nothing to lose I could go wherever I wanted to Leave, jump onto the world As it's spinning 'round going down Taking me along for the ride
, 5000 miles Today I've got nothing to lose I could go wherever I wanted to Leave, jump onto the world As it's spinning 'round, going down Taking me along for the ride For the ride