Вот фразы без цепей на черно белом фоне трон их, Ты не успеешь оглянуться и ты их поклонник, Мне не писать симфоний, и не создать великое, Вы шёпот
[Music: Ravn, Tekro] [Instrumental]
I raise thine eyes to the heavens A most seductive silence Infinite abyss Of majestic wonder Entrance the eyes for I am thy beholder Envisaged realms
The flowing tide, The source of inner darkness A pathogenic mind deforms the primal seed Penetrating the cortex of suffering The superior will of tortured
Solemn vision, A darkness so pure In thine wrath bequeathed Oceans born (upon) shores of creation Cosmic order For I am one with thee:one with thee!
Lengthening shadows, In life serene Primordial splendour, Thy guardians:thy key! Lost towers of knowledge, As giants they stand Living monolithic grandeur
Dawn of a new era upon us The Dark Age has arrived In dreams, Scarred olden visions Revealed through eyes that have once seen :battle! As blood stains
Mortal seeping of wounds Conjuring seasonal decline Ominous reflections Chapters written in blood Of the earth, Condemnation in flesh The ancient soil
automatikk? wer is automatikk? ouh ja.. diese zwei "gangster" aus nurnberg mit ihrem "psycho-rap" und ihren "goldketten"... nein das is uberhaupt nicht
What?s gone wrong with our own race? Human scum's to be replaced... Here we stand on the brink of decline wasting more precious time while man still
[Music & Lyrics: Nazgul] Diabolical Winds Blow Cold Ravens Circle in the Nightly Skies Summoned are the Souls of Damnation As the Hour of Final War
[Music & Lyrics: Nazgul] mighty are the storms in which I breath infernal are the powers I possess like many times before I ride a thought of insanity
[Music & Lyrics; Nazgul] The pagan fires are burning with might tormented remains of angels sodomized (with evil) extacy gained through the burning
[Music: Nazgul Lyrics: Nordh] Sa som asplov likt for vinden Skall den kristna haren oss bedarra Sa som blod i Kristi panna Skall det goda ljuset for
[Music & Lyrics: Nazgul] Likt dimma den kom med natten Latt brusande i tradens lov Med kyla den tog mig i dess famn Insvepte mig i dess morker Bortom
[Music; Kribbe Lyrics; Nazgul] Under morka skyar, gnistrande stjarnor drakskepp pa rasande vagor fardas fram spanda segel av isande vindar fyllda pa