Este ritmo se baila mira como el pescao moviendo la colita de un lado al otro lado las chicas van alante hombre atras de ella agarrao meandola en el
Se mangi una pesca e poi levi la parola pesca Quello che rimane e meraviglia Quello che rimane e una scoperta E cosi se ti do un bacio e poi levo
pesca mi eclissai fra le sue mura lasciai il mio cuore accanto a lei odio il destino che e? contro di noi come un nocciolo di pesca.
du marenare, sott a la luce de le lampare incant le pisce ca stonn a mmare. Iess la lun sop a la nave, sfusc la zoc mezz a le mane, ie pesca grosse p
Da igual lo que haya pasado ya tambien da igual lo que llegara. Lo mismo me importan el bien y el mal o lo que diga la gente. Llegar primero, llegar
incertezze lei era pallida quasi incolore satura e gelidamente perversa la mia natura sfogava il suo orgoglio il suo orgoglio ma come un nocciolo di pesca
Traduzione: Tricarico, Francesco. Pesca.
: Da igual lo que haya pasado ya tambien da igual lo que llegara. Lo mismo me importan el bien y el mal o lo que diga la gente. Llegar primero, llegar
Hey Gabriel, how do u feel today? Are you wings tired? Can you see your shadow on the souls of the human race? There must be something inside of me
Such a nice day for spin around The spirit world I knew it was really you in there Despite all your disguise You know that hell is waiting You?
You stole my victory Inside this destiny I was too blind to see You are the enemy Say it is so, this mettle is heavy So you think you get to me
Here I am, caught in your light These cold summer nights I remember well Home and away I run from you But there's still too much to tell And I wanted
(Dream Away en francais) Regarde toi par une belle journee Quand y a un autre gamin qu?on fait sauter Cherche l?eclat pur d?humanite Quand y a un
Can you take me higher? Can you fall to me through the rain? Help me burn this fire and wash away this pain Can you take away the liars? Burn them
Alice was her name Never did know her game, it was another lie She never heard a word I said Just looked at me in the face with another smile Bleeding
Look at yourself on one fine day As another poor boy is blown away Look for the light of pure mankind As another poor child is left behind Look at the
You drink your coffee, I sip my tea and we're sitting here, playing so cool Thinking what will be will be It's getting kind of late now, I wonder if
With lives you have played like little toys The curse that you placed on our little boys Their lives to be spurned before they began So we must slay