[Lyrics: Anonymous] I must go walk the woods so wild, and wander here and there in dred and dedly fere, for where I trusted,I am begild, and all for
[Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Que te caret hoc tempore, fit vilior. o dulcis Amor. Ecce florescunt lilia, et virginum dant agmina summo deorum carmina.
[Lyrics: Anonymous] Blac is the colour that is good, so say I and many mo; blac is my hat, blac is my hood blac is all that longeth therto. Summe men
[Lyrics: J. Dowland] Flow, my tears, fall from your springs! exiled for ever let me mourn; where night's black bird her sad infamy sings, there let
[Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Tempus est iocundum, o virgines! modo congaudete, vos iuvenes! Flos est puellarum, quam diligo, et rosa rosarum, qua caleo
[Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Bacchus sepe visitans mulierem genus facit eas subditas tibi, o tu Venus. Ecce deus opportunus, nullo tempore ieiunus, ante
[Lyrics: Cantigas de Santa Maria] Por que nos ajamos sempre, noit e dia, dela remenbranca, en Domas achamos que Santa Maria fez gran demonstranca En
an antique land, who said: "two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert... and on the pedestal these words appear: 'my name is Ozymandias
[Lyrics: Dido's lament from "Dido and Aeneas"] When I am laid in earth, may my wrongs creat no trouble in thy breast: Remember me, but ah! forget my
[Lyrics: Her Bernger von Horheim] Mir ist alle zit als ich vliegende var, ob al der werlte und diu min alliu si. swar ich gedenke, vil wol sprung ich
[Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Stetit puella rufa tunica; si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit. Stetit puella tamquam rosula: facie splenduit et os eius floruit
[Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Amor volat undique; captus est libidine. iuvenes iuvencule que secuntur merito, si que sine socio. Amor tenet omnia, mutat
: [Lyrics: Her Bernger von Horheim] Mir ist alle zit als ich vliegende var, ob al der werlte und diu min alliu si. swar ich gedenke, vil wol sprung
: [Lyrics: Anonymous] Blac is the colour that is good, so say I and many mo; blac is my hat, blac is my hood blac is all that longeth therto. Summe
: [Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Tempus est iocundum, o virgines! modo congaudete, vos iuvenes! Flos est puellarum, quam diligo, et rosa rosarum, qua caleo
: [Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Stetit puella rufa tunica; si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit. Stetit puella tamquam rosula: facie splenduit et os eius
: [Lyrics: Carmina Burana] Bacchus sepe visitans mulierem genus facit eas subditas tibi, o tu Venus. Ecce deus opportunus, nullo tempore ieiunus, ante
: [Lyrics: Cantigas de Santa Maria] Por que nos ajamos sempre, noit e dia, dela remenbranca, en Domas achamos que Santa Maria fez gran demonstranca