In the darkness of an endless night At the dawn of eternal life In the coldness of a land without sun Our spirits dive in the world of silence Farther
in the heads of the followers priest with the crowd: - Glory to you Ounis - Praise be to Ounis the priest: - So her blood may quench your thirst -
- Bodies consecrated to the earth - Spirit to the light... - Life can't be infinite - Only pain is eternal Cry for the ruined time You've lost to understand
I will be them and they will be mine And we'll be one above your god Blood ritual / Purification by the blood Blood ritual / Total consecration My
To Catherine Deshayes (La Voisine) Slow and painful death Subtle and dangerous attack - Brook of scorn - Stream of anger - River of hate Poison infiltrate
Every men born evil Someone will try to be good as they can, some other will dedicate their life to the unholy lord of the earth
From the north, from the south From the west, from the east I summon you, gods of the pit Come to us, infernal legions Satan, father of men, god of
In a world of sorrow, a tormented soul dreams of vengeance, through man she will live, through blood she will rule
Traduzione: Samael. Rituale del sangue.