from woods of nights nocturn prepare the land to burn carried on winds of war uprising hordes pilgrimage force praise the unlord until the dawn decapitate
of sin Crusades to win In armor made centuries ago We prepare for war Repeating our words "Father, our master, your law is total" The boundaries are clear The Schwarzwald
the wind carries on enticing voice blackbird suffly has made her choice I feel her power possessing me trapped in her moisty cave my destiny black bird
hear the dark call, burn with me erased in darkness, blasphemy a choice so clear, like skies so high a life eternal, the eternal night we build the stake
unholy bloodlust the serpent redeems a vision rising through blasphemy lucid lord satan unchain the key messiah noir embodied in me a gift of pleasure
kneel down to worship him knees deep throuh feel no pain runs warm whilst waiting for the arrival of the one feel lightly tensions with sparks fly the
all holy houses around the earth by this means warned for total destruction the time has cometh to set things right the exploiting churches all burnt
Thor Terrorize the night with your hammer crush the weak of mind Thunder Brought before dawn Prepare the underworld for the final storm
beyond the skies beyond the stars red cadavers treasures plagues feasts of flesh in deep embrace born soldiers of Ornigoth ancient rituals of the unlord
anochi seur, diablo ta lur muhernan si dono ta perde non cono mesito miedoso ru bosnan ta adorande i alabands otro diosnan dios no lo tolera alma ainda