same can be said of us, worshipping the] [Goddess in the true riteless ceremony of existence.] Black to the blind is She above and black to the blind
[The person of Austin Osman Spare (1888-1956) is a splendid example of] [misunderstood and forgotten genius. Deserving the fame of Beardsley, he is now
[japanese bonus] [The original and most fantastic Gnosis (out of which the Xtian version arose)] [derived from leaskages from the Egyptian mysteries
["For the high point their teology consists of these two things: hissing at] [demons and skething the cross on their foreheads."] [Flavius Claudius Julianus
["... to Know, means possessing Wisdom, to use Wisdom, means Art., but using] [Art, means danger and sometimes warnings come too late..."] Oh, blessed
[The lyric is a necessarily very general and simplified take on Chaos Magick -] [a modern system of thought that allows for the combination of mixing
[Internal darkness ia a state of complete detachment from the world and other] [people. It is to be achieved with utmost difficulty and at the cost of
[There's a lot of means for Conversation and Knowledge of the Holy Guardian] [Angel (nothing to do with usual Christian connotations). This entity, Deus
["The red passage of Samadhi, Blood-Vision"] [Kenneth Grant] A dive up with head down moth-winged Angel's shriek excretion condensed diginity disrespect
Names True Names Everybody Knows Yet They Fail to Recognize True names Everybody Feels Yet They Never Verbalize True Names Everybody Sees Yet They Feign Eternal Blindness
wide for "Isis In Welcome" is the proper posture yet Lady of Command She always is Human apes, all what's to despise too blind to see through Her Writ
Grant "Distant Dream" Know, means possessing Wisdom, to use Wisdowm, means Art., but using Art, means danger and sometimes warnings come too late... "Black To The Blind" "Black to the blind
To stem the current is no vain attempt the Knowledge preserved for us alone in this world of mud and rust decipher what is coded by our hands Defiled
Internal darkness ia a state of complete detachment from the world and other people. It is to be achieved with utmost difficulty and at the cost of one
Withdrawal of every light and its sure advancement thoughts stop to drone in deepest heights am I being spoken to? Neglected Virgin Whore Wisdom of women
Persistence of vision is not enough The common point is a law All systems do converge at last The mage's will is done The fractal light Chaos controls
Names Everybody Knows Yet They Fail to Recognize True names Everybody Feels Yet They Never Verbalize True Names Everybody Sees Yet They Feign Eternal Blindness