Every day I wanna stay in bed 'Cause my life is such a mess Can't be bothered to get dressed So sick of my ugliness Constant cough and chronic wheeze
The rent is overdue the phone's stopped ringing And the bills are coming through the door She never ever seems to make a living Everybody else is making
Have you heard about the new religion? Wake up sleeping citizens! Stand up with the rebellion Subversion's back again Spikey hair brought into the main
Tell me to compromise and force my face to fit listen to the ones who only write about it You make me feel like a caged animal when I want to get away
I tried to call up Mr. ignorant The secretary said he'd gone to lunch So I'm metting Mr. arrogant To introduce him to my one inch punch He's been working
Hello, good evening-a homely face To tell stories of disaster and disgrace In the privacy of your own home You can't even smell the burning Rome So
Twisted violence in a saville row suit Real extremists want you to conform Dressed for the public, who's he gonna prosecute? While the government terrorists
Circles, ever decreasing circles Ninth circle of hell noose tightens round my neck Closed in, closing the lid i'm closed in Tighter, tighter fight for
A fistful of dollars, a nuclear warhead A few dollars more, arms galore A fistful of dollars gotta win the arms race They'd kill us all for a few dollars
Fighting against two enemies One's commercial, one's pretence Play me off against each other Self-belief's my only defence Big or small, they're all
Part time, small time Biggest con of all time All the poseurs and the flakes Small time, part time Making it no show time All the wankers and the fakes
... An element of magic Stolen from a childhood dream Don't fell I'm in danger On cloud nine float so serene Suffering from overwhelming stress Retreat
Confused little minds giggle in bars Over fantasy conquest in the back of cars Naughty innuendoes and dirty sniggers Makes the libido grow a little bigger
No more fourth rate cut price crap No poor sap to take the rap Shut your mouths no nag nag nag No more scumbag talking back Don't be the sacrifice No
They told us no future and that's what we've got it don't seem so glamorous now our rags turned to rags, we never saw riches we lost them somehow Less
Everyone who walks through the door Is a worthless scrounger and nothing more Get rid of them with sarcastic hustle Then go back to your crossword puzzle
Stumbling through the rubble my heads in a spin I hear them fighting the war that no one can win I'm too young to die Too late to live As politicians
Revolution in your kitchen Revolution in your mind You can stick your revolution I'm no better than your kind Living on dreams Living on dreams Living